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福建伦茨SMV E82xV303K4B变频器放大图片

产品价格:面议   元(人民币)
发货地:福建  (发货期:当天内发货)





SMV 变频器

SMVector IP65的功率范围为0.37~7.5kW,内置EMC滤波器,外壳完全封闭,可在恶劣环境下使用。它性能高,应用灵活,可为广大应用领域提供绝佳解决方案,如食品加工机械、包装机械、物料处理/传输系统及 HVAC 采暖通风空调系统等。


EMZ9371BC 774
Handhelt XT with operation terminal E82ZBBXC 1,586
2,5 m cable of manual terminal Keypad XT with handhelt E82ZWL025 241
5,0 m cable of manual terminal Keypad XT with handhelt E82ZWL050 276
10,0 m cable of manual terminal Keypad XT with handhelt E82ZWL100 333
Card Module 2221IB (only for PLC-drives) EMZ2221IB 3,930
Lecom A/B 2102IBCV001 (RS232/485) EMF2102IBCV001 1,092
Lecom B 2102IBCV002 (RS485) EMF2102IBCV002 896
Lecom LI 2102IBCV003 (fibre optic) EMF2102IBCV003 1,092
Lecom A 2102IBCV004 (RS232) EMF2102IBCV004 1,092
System cable RS232/485 <--> PC 5,0 m EWL0020 586
System cable RS232/485 <--> PC 10,0 m EWL0021 758
InterBus fieldbus module 2113IB (500k Baud / 2M Baud) EMF2113IB 2,643
PROFIBUS fieldbus module 2133IB EMF2133IB 2,654
DeviceNet/CANopen fieldbus module 2175IB EMF2175IB 2,654
FP-Interface 2103IB - freely prgrammable RS232 interface (only for PLC-drives) EMF2103IB 1,643
Converter PC interface / system bus (complete) for DIN connection EMF2173IB 4,045
Converter PC interface / system bus (complete) for PS2 connection EMF2173IB-V002 4,045
Converter PC interface / system bus like V002, but galvanic isolation EMF2173IB-V003 5,148
CANopen Feldbusmodul 2178IB EMF2178IB 2,654
DeviceNet Fieldbus module 2179IB EMF2179IB 2,654
Remote maintenance module ModemCAN EMF2181IB 7,354
Remote maintenance module EthernetCAN EMF2180IB 8,618
CAN PT (systembus) Function module E82ZAFCC010 540
CAN-I/O PT Function module E82ZAFCC210 770
Standard-I/O PT Function module E82ZAFSC010 464
Effective as
E82EV251K2C 0,25 kW - - - - - - - -
E82EV371K2C 0,37 kW - - - - - - - -
E82EV551K2C 0,55 kW 2x EFSGR0120AYHN 60 2x EFSGR0120AYHK 92 2x EFSGR0120AYIN 78 2x EFSGR0120AYIK 108
E82EV751K2C 0,75 kW 2x EFSGR0120AYHN 60 2x EFSGR0120AYHK 92 2x EFSGR0120AYIN 78 2x EFSGR0120AYIK 108
E82EV152K2C 1,50 kW 2x EFSGR0200AYHN 61 2x EFSGR0200AYHK 99 2x EFSGR0200AYIN 78 2x EFSGR0200AYIK 108
E82EV222K2C 2,20 kW 2x EFSGR0250AYHN 61 2x EFSGR0250AYHK 99 2x EFSGR0250AYIN 78 2x EFSGR0250AYIK 111
8200 vector (3x 240 V)
E82EV551K2C 0,55 kW 2x EFSGR0120AYHN 60 2x EFSGR0120AYHK 92 2x EFSGR0120AYIN 78 2x EFSGR0120AYIK 108
E82EV751K2C 0,75 kW 2x EFSGR0120AYHN 60 2x EFSGR0120AYHK 92 2x EFSGR0120AYIN 78 2x EFSGR0120AYIK 108
E82EV152K2C 1,50 kW 2x EFSGR0200AYHN 61 2x EFSGR0200AYHK 99 2x EFSGR0200AYIN 78 2x EFSGR0200AYIK 108
E82EV222K2C 2,20 kW 2x EFSGR0250AYHN 61 2x EFSGR0250AYHK 99 2x EFSGR0250AYIN 78 2x EFSGR0250AYIK 111
E82EV302K2C 3,00 kW 2x EFSGR0400AYHN 63 2x EFSGR0400AYHK 100 2x EFSGR0400AYIN 107 2x EFSGR0400AYIK 133
E82EV402K2C 4,00 kW 2x EFSGR0400AYHN 63 2x EFSGR0400AYHK 100 2x EFSGR0400AYIN 107 2x EFSGR0400AYIK 133
E82EV552K2C 5,50 kW 2x EFSGR0500AYHN 63 2x EFSGR0500AYHK 100 2x EFSGR0500AYIN 107 2x EFSGR0500AYIK 133
E82EV752K2C 7,50 kW 2x EFSGR0500AYHN 63 2x EFSGR0500AYHK 100 2x EFSGR0500AYIN 107 2x EFSGR0500AYIK 133
8200 vector (3x 400 V)
E82EV551K4C 0,55 kW 2x EFSGR0120AYHN 60 2x EFSGR0120AYHK 92 2x EFSGR0120AYIN 78 2x EFSGR0120AYIK 108
E82EV751K4C 0,75 kW 2x EFSGR0120AYHN 60 2x EFSGR0120AYHK 92 2x EFSGR0120AYIN 78 2x EFSGR0120AYIK 108
E82EV152K4C 1,50 kW 2x EFSGR0120AYHN 60 2x EFSGR0120AYHK 92 2x EFSGR0120AYIN 78 2x EFSGR0120AYIK 108
E82EV222K4C 2,20 kW 2x EFSGR0200AYHN 61 2x EFSGR0200AYHK 99 2x EFSGR0200AYIN 78 2x EFSGR0200AYIK 108
E82EV302K4C 3,00 kW 2x EFSGR0250AYHN 61 2x EFSGR0250AYHK 99 2x EFSGR0250AYIN 78 2x EFSGR0250AYIK 111
E82EV402K4C 4,00 kW 2x EFSGR0250AYHN 61 2x EFSGR0250AYHK 99 2x EFSGR0250AYIN 78 2x EFSGR0250AYIK 111
E82EV552K4C 5,50 kW 2x EFSGR0320AYHN 63 2x EFSGR0320AYHK 100 2x EFSGR0320AYIN 78 2x EFSGR0320AYIK 111
E82EV752K4C 7,50 kW 2x EFSGR0400AYHN 63 2x EFSGR0400AYHK 100 2x EFSGR0400AYIN 107 2x EFSGR0400AYIK 133
E82EV113K4C 11,0 kW 2x EFSGR0400AYHN 63 2x EFSGR0400AYHK 100 2x EFSGR0400AYIN 107 2x EFSGR0400AYIK 133
E82xV153K4B.. 15,0 kW - - - - 2x EFSGR1000AYIN 130 2x EFSGR1000AYIK 165
E82xV223K4B.. 22,0 kW - - - - 2x EFSGR1000AYIN 130 2x EFSGR1000AYIK 165
E82xV303K4B.. 30,0 kW - - - - 2x EFSGR1000AYIN 130 2x EFSGR1000AYIK 165

最新供求信息 企业产品推荐

·长期求购西门子PLC 2015-1-14

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