详细介绍:测量范围 | 0 - 100 Units | 分辨率 | 0.1 Units | 刻度 | A, B, C, D, DO, O, OO & Asker C | 脚盘直径 | 18 mm | 用途 | 测试硬性塑料盒橡胶硬度 |
硬度计是测量物体硬度的仪器,表示材料抵抗硬物体压入其表面的能力。它是金属材料的重要性能指标之一。一般硬度越高,耐磨性越好。根据所测硬度单位:洛氏硬度计、维氏硬度计、显微硬度计、布氏硬度计、邵氏硬度计、巴氏硬度计、里氏硬度计、韦氏硬度计、肖氏硬度计、布洛维硬度。根据使用方式:便携式硬度计、台式硬度计。 进口硬度计美国Check-Line DD-100为肖/邵氏硬度计,测试硬性塑料盒橡胶硬度。 Available Scales: A, B, C, D, DO, O, OO & Asker C 刻度:A, B, C, D, DO, O, OO & Asker C Conforms to: ASTM D-2240, DIN 53505, ISO 868, JIS K 7215 & ISO 7619. Asker C model conforms to JIS K-7312. 标准:STM D-2240, DIN 53505, ISO 868, JIS K 7215 & ISO 7619, Asker C的标准是JIS K-7312 The Check-Line DD-100 digital durometer tester is the genesis of years of experience offering high quality Durometers to discriminating users. Featuring an 18mm footer that offers high stability and conforms to all international standards, the DD-100 is the ideal durometer for a wide range of shore hardness measuring applications. The DD-100 is supplied with a reference test block and NIST traceable calibration certificate in foam-fitted carrying case. 美国Checkline的DD-100数字硬度计是多年实践的集大成者,质量优异,稳定性好,精度高。直径18mm的旋钮脚使其成为大量肖氏硬度测量应用的绝佳之选,DD-100不仅符合所有的国际标准,而且测量范围非常广。每个DD-100都标配校准标准块,校准证书和便携式手提箱。
Includes NIST-Traceable Calibration Certificate 自带NIST校准证书 Supplied with reference test block 自带校准标准块 Can be used in any measurement orientation as gravity does not affect readings 可以在不同方向测量,不受重力影响 High and low buttons for setting tolerance limits 高低键设置公差范围 18 mm diameter footer provides stable basis for testing and conforms to all 6. International Standards 直径18 mm的旋钮脚为测试提供稳定的数据,符合6大国际标准 Solid state circuitry with LCD display LCD屏,固态电路 One year warranty 一年质保 Holds Peak reading until reset 峰值保持读数,直到重置硬度计才删除数据 0.1 Unit Resolution 分辨率:0.1 Unit Supplied in custom fit carrying case with AC-Adapter 自带定制的手提箱和AC充电器 Conforms to ASTM D-2240, DIN 53505, ISO 868, JIS K 7215 & ISO 7619. Asker C model conforms to JIS K-7312. 符合标准有ASTM D-2240, DIN 53505, ISO 868, JIS K 7215 & ISO 7619. 而Asker C符合JIS K-7312标准
测量范围 | 0 - 100 Units | 分辨率 | 0.1 Units | LCD屏尺寸 | 8 mm | 尺寸 | 128 x 57 x 36 mm | 重量 | 235 grams (8.4 oz.) | 电源 | (2) 3V CR-2450电池和115V AC充电器. 230V AC充电器(选配) | 质保 | 1年 | 注意 | per ASTM D 2240-05, Sect 9.3: It is accepted that durometer readings below 20 or above 90 are not considered reliable. It is suggested that readings in these ranges be omitted. | 符合标准 | ASTM D-2240, DIN 53505, ISO 868, JIS K 7215 & ISO 7619. Asker C符合JIS K-7312. |
国际标准 型号 | ASTM D2240 | DIN 53505 | ISO 868 | ISO 7619 | DD-100-A | X | X | X | X | DD-100-B | X |
| DD-100-C | X |
| DD-100-D | X | X | X | X | DD-100-DO | X |
| DD-100-O | X |
| DD-100-OO | X |
订货型号 型号 | 描述 | DD-100-A | A型 | DD-100-B | B型 | DD-100-C | C型 | DD-100-D | D型 | DD-100-DO | DO型 | DD-100-O | O型 | DD-100-OO | OO型 |
配件 型号 | 描述 | G11-0012 | 备用110V AC充电器(RX-DD / DD-100 / MTG) | G11-0014 | 备用220V AC充电器(RX-DD / DD-100 / MTG) | DD-DB1 | 电缆线带USB智能传输至PC | G13-0055 | USB数据传输,连接DD-100或者RX-DD和PC,向PC传输插件和数据采集程序,采购至第三方 | RX-CLW-OO | 1kg 砝码,用于OO和OOO型的硬度计 |
订货清单 The DD-100 is supplied as a complete kit including the durometer, 115V AC Adapter, test block, instruction manual and calibration certificate in a foam-fitted metal carrying case. DD-100套件:硬度计,115V AC充电器,标准校准块,操作说明书,校准证书和便携式手提箱
相关产品 AD-100 硬度计 RX-DD 硬度计
