详细介绍:型号 | EX-A/EX-C/EX-D | 刻度 | 邵氏A, C, D | 底座型号 | e-1000/e-5000 | 精度 | ±1 point | 用途 | 测量塑料,橡胶,海绵的硬度,适用于运动鞋鞋厂 |
硬度计是测量物体硬度的仪器,表示材料抵抗硬物体压入其表面的能力。它是金属材料的重要性能指标之一。一般硬度越高,耐磨性越好。根据所测硬度单位:洛氏硬度计、维氏硬度计、显微硬度计、布氏硬度计、邵氏硬度计、巴氏硬度计、里氏硬度计、韦氏硬度计、肖氏硬度计、布洛维硬度。根据使用方式:便携式硬度计、台式硬度计。 进口硬度计美国Check-Line EX-A硬度计,测量塑料,橡胶,海绵的硬度,适用于运动鞋鞋厂。 Check-Line EX-A Shore A Hardness - Normal rubber Checkline EX-D Shore D Hardness - Hard rubber & plastics Check-Line EX-C Asker C Hardness - Soft rubber & sponge Durometer Hardness Tester for Rubber and Plastic Durometer Hardness Tester for Rubber and PlasticAsker hardness testers feature top design and precision manufacturing to bring you a reliable, highly accurate durometer. EX Series durometers feature portability, ease of operation, non-destructive measurement and optional peak indicators. They are heavy-duty with high repeatability for plastic and rubber hardness testing. EX Series models are available in Durometer Types: Shore A Hardness, Shore D Hardness and Asker C Hardness. Hardness is an essential characteristic of various rubber, elastomers and plastic products. The first step in using a durometer hardness tester is to select the optimum type based upon the material hardness.
Check-Line EX-A Shore A Hardness - Normal rubber Checkline EX-D Shore D Hardness - Hard rubber & plastics Check-Line EX-C Asker C Hardness - Soft rubber & sponge
配件 RS-A Reference Specimen (Test Blocks) Type A RS-C Reference Specimen (Test Blocks) Type Asker C RS-D Reference Specimen (Test Blocks) Type D IHG-AD Indenter Height Gauges (Calibration Gauges) Type A & D IHG-C Indenter Height Gauges (Calibration Gauges) Type Asker C
订货型号 EX-A Shore A Hardness - Normal rubber EX-D Shore D Hardness - Hard rubber & plastics EX-C Asker C Hardness - Soft rubber & sponge EXP-A Shore A Hardness - Normal rubber (with Peak Indicator) EXP-D Shore D Hardness - Hard rubber & plastics (with Peak Indicator) EXP-C Asker C Hardness - Soft rubber & sponge (with Peak Indicator)
相关型号 e-1000 e-5000 Asker X
