详细介绍:频闪范围 | 40-35,000 RPM/FPM | 漂移 | ±0.01% per °C | 精度 | ±0.01% | 分辨率 | 40.0 - 35,000 FPM | 用途 | 检查转轴,风扇,齿轮的离心运动 扬声器和印刷机的速度,动作和振动分析 |
频闪仪是指控制光源发光,以特定频率快速闪动的光学测量仪器。美国 频闪仪是指控制光源发光,以特定频率快速闪动的光学测量仪器。美国Checkline DS-12V频闪仪本身可以发出短暂又频密的闪光,当调节频闪灯的闪动频率,使其与被测物的转动或运动速度接近或同步时,被测物虽然高速运动着,但看上去却是缓慢运动或相对静止,这种视觉暂留现象使人目测就能轻易观测到高速运动物体的表面质量与运行状况 ,而频闪仪的闪光速度即为被检测物体(例如:马达 )转速和运动频率 (印刷袋 ) ,亦可以利用频闪仪分析物体振动情况、 高速移动物体的动作以及高速摄影等。利用频闪仪观测检验技术在欧美已广泛使用 ,随着我国经济的高速发展,越来越多的行业开始使用频闪仪来帮助解决产品质量检验问题。 Check-Line DT-311A 频闪仪也叫频闪静像仪或转速计 ,是能够使作振动、 高速旋转或周期运动构件变成“ 静止不动 ” 构件的一种光学测量装置。 Check-Line DT-311A Flash Range: 40-35,000 RPM/FPM Checkline DT-311A Portable, highly stable and accurate, industrial-quality tools for non-contact RPM measurement, inspection and observation of moving parts by "freezing" or "slowing down" the action. AC-Powered version for use hand-held or can be fixed-mounted using the supplied 1/4-20 Threaded insert or using the optional Articulating arm accessory (model SAS-DT300). Other models offered with built-in (Checkline DT-315A) or external battery (Check-Line DT-315AEB).
Highest accuracy and most stable flash rate Provides 12 V DC power for external sensors Easy-to-read LED display Accepts external trigger input and provides synchronizing pulse output Easy-to-operate controls include flash rate adjustment, 2x, divide-2 and phase adjust Phase shift for best view and flash photography Detachable pistol-grip handle Instant double and half-rate flash selection for error-free reading
Flash Range | 40-35,000 FPM | Accuracy | Internal Mode: ±0.01% of reading External Mode: ±0.01% or ± 1 digit | Resolution | 0.1 FPM: 40.0 - 4,999.9 FPM 0.2 FPM: 5,000 - 7,999.8 FPM 0.5 FPM: 8,000 - 9,999.5 FPM 1 FPM: 10,000 - 35,000 FPM | Drift | ±0.01% per °C | Update Time | Internal Mode: 0.2 seconds External Mode: ±0.01% or ± 1 digit | Input Signal | LO level: 0-0.4 VDC HI level: 2.5 - 12 VDC -- or open collector (npn) pulse width 50us min | Output Signal | Synchronous, 400 μs pulse, 0 to approx. ± 12 V DC 1000 ohms impedance | Display & Rate | Divide or multiply by 2, selectable | Operating Temperature | 32-104 °F (0-40 °C) | Display | 5 digits, 10 mm high, red LED | Flashtube | Xenon, 10 W maximum | Flash Duration | 10-30 μs | Sensor Power Supply | 12 VDC ± 0.5V (50ma) | Power Requirements | 115 V or 230 V AC (specify), 50/60 Hz, 30 VA | Weight | 2.6 lbs. (1.2 kg) | Dimensions | 4.7 x 4.7 x7.2" (120 x 120 x 183mm) | Warranty | 2 Years | EXTERNAL MODE ONLY | Phase Shift | 0 - 359° with 1° resolution or 0 - 333 ms from 200 - 3,000 FPM | Input Impedance | 10,000 ohms |
订货清单 Hard plastic carrying case with custom molded insert allows for safe storage and easy transportation. Provides storage space for the DT-311A, AC adapter, and accessories. 配件 NISTCAL NIST Traceable Calibration Certificate 311FH Spare flash tube for DT-300 Series Strobes DT300CC Carrying Case for DT-300 Series Strobes SG-300 Protective Rubber Caps for DT-300 Series Strobes SAS-DT300 Articulating Swing Arm for Stroboscopes DT300-CON Input / Output Connector for DT-311A, DT-315A Stroboscopes DT-TRI-HD Tripod for Tachometers and Stroboscopes 311RT Spare Flash Tube Removal Tool 订货型号 DT-311A Digital Stroboscope (115V AC) DT-311A-2 Digital Stroboscope (230V AC)
相关型号 SG-300 DT-TRI-HD SAS-DT300 311FH DT-361 DT-315A
