详细介绍:测量范围 | 50-100000lb | 额定输出 | 2 mV/V | 非线性 | 0.1% of R.O. | 磁滞 | 0.1% of R.O. | 安全过载 | 150% of R.O. |
扭矩传感器是对各种旋转或非旋转机械部件上对扭转力矩感知的检测。扭矩传感器将扭力的物理变化转换成精确的电信号。扭矩传感器可以应用在制造粘度计,电动(气动,液力)扭力扳手,它具有精度高,频响快,可靠性好,寿命长等优点。 Transducer Techniques TRS反作用扭矩传感器非常适合于测量电机支架、泵支架及机器支架中的反作用力或抑制扭矩。也可用于有限的旋转应用,如测量拧动螺母或制动器轴所需的扭矩。TRS设计配有法兰,可实现简易安装或改造。该传感器不仅坚固耐用可供工厂使用,而且其精度亦可供实验室所用。 TRS SERIES CAPACITY RANGES: 500, 1,000, 2,000, 5,000, 10,000, 20,000, 50,000, 100,000 INCH LBS. The TRS Series reaction torque sensors offer long term reliability due to non moving parts and state of the art bonded foil strain gages. The anodized aluminum TRS Series is also available as a two axis sensor, torque and thrust, on special request. Whenever possible, the best approach for precision torque measurements is via reaction torque sensing, eliminating high maintenance and high cost of slip rings, bearings, and brushes.
非常适合用于在电机泵和机器支架中监控扭矩 法兰安装式,易于安装 可沿顺时针及逆时针方向测量扭矩
Rated Output (R.O.): 2 mV/V nominal Nonlinearity: 0.1% of R.O. Hysteresis: 0.1% of R.O Nonrepeatability: 0.05% of R.O. Zero Balance: 1.0% of R.O. Compensated Temp. Range: 60° to 160°F Safe Temp. Range: -65° to 200°F Temp. Effect on Output: 0.005% of Load/°F Temp. Effect on Zero: 0.005% of R.O./°F Terminal Resistance: 350 ohms nominal Excitation Voltage: 10 VDC Safe Overload: 150% of R.O
订货型号 TRS-500 500 3.00 2.00 .50 1.25 .125 .28 2.25 4 .7 TRS-1K 1,000 3.00 2.00 .50 1.25 .125 .28 2.25 4 .7 TRS-2K 2,000 3.00 2.00 .50 1.25 .125 .28 2.25 4 .7 TRS-5K 5,000 4.00 2.50 .50 1.50 .125 .28 3.25 8 1.2 TRS-10K 10,000 4.50 2.50 .75 1.50 .125 .28 3.75 8 2.2 TRS-20K 20,000 4.50 3.00 .75 2.00 .125 .34 3.75 8 2.2 TRS-50K 50,000 6.75 3.50 1.00 3.00 .125 .41 5.75 8 7.2 TRS-100K 100,000 6.75 3.50 1.00 3.00 .125 .41 5.75 8 7.2 TRS-500 190K 500 750 1,500 TRS-1K 190K 500 750 1,500 TRS-2K 380K 1,000 1,500 2,000 TRS-5K 930K 2,000 2,000 3,000 TRS-10K 2,700K 5,000 4,000 6,000 TRS-20K 5,800K 10,000 6,500 10,000 TRS-50K 8,000K 24,000 12,000 18,000 TRS-100K 20,000K 50,000 20,000 30,000 配件 TH Thrust Bridge (Consult our applications engineers For torque thrust load combinations.) GOD Strain Gages installed on Outside Diameter for thru hole applications CAL-TEDS Plug & Play Option with Connector
