详细介绍:精度 | 5000d class III acc. to EN 45 501 | 线性度 | < 0.007 % | 传感器 | 4线或者6线连接,12V供电,最小阻抗75Ω | 供电电源 | 115–230 VAC 50–60 Hz, max. 19 W / 25 VA | 接口 | RS232/422/485, 以太网, DDE-/OPC服务器, Fieldbus | 应用 | 过程,中型散装容器,填充,配料,流量,相位,汽车衡,容器 |
Sartorius PR5610/00称重控制器,是电子衡器中显示被称物的质量和称量状态的仪表。工业中的过程控制是指以温度、压力、流量、液位和成分等工艺参数作为被控变量的自动控制。就一般而言,管理中采取的控制可以在行动开始之前、进行之中或结束之后进行,称为三种控制模型。第一种称为前馈控制或预先控制,第二种称为过程控制或同期控制,第三种称为反馈控制或事后控制。 Used for control of filling and dosing processes, for raw material and product storage applications or for truck scales – the System Controller offers an economical solution to your process, even for individually defined tasks with one or two weighing points. 德国Sartorius X5用于原材料和产品入库应用中的填充和配料过程系统,汽车衡,地磅。 The PR5610 Process Controller offers beside the normal indicator and weighing functions several communication features and optional an internal or external alibi-memory. PR5610不仅可以提供显示和称重功能,同时可拓展通讯接口和存储。 The communication channels are: 1. Serial RS232/485 2. Ethernet 3. Fieldbus -Interbus S -DeviceNet -Profibus DP Via communication independent and pre-defined dialogs can be realised with a host either PC or PLC.
Programable Weighing Controller (acc. to IEC 61131) 可编程称重控制器 EG Type Approval as Indicator for non-automatic scales classe III, 5000d W&M认证5,000 e,精度等级Class III Optional Fieldbus-Interfaces: Ethernet, Profibus, DeviceNet analog in-/outputs digital in-/outputs internal/external Alibi-memory 选配:Ethernet, Profibus, DeviceNet, 数字输入输出, 模拟输入输出, 内置外置内存 Easy integration to automation concepts 轻松集成自动化的理念 Connection of an external second weighing point. 可连接外部第二个称量点
供电 115/230 V VAC 50-60 Hz max. 19 W / 25 VA 外壳 stainless steel DIN 1.43 01 (B.S. 304) Ingress Protection: IP 65 显示 7-Digit plus status symbols text: 2 lines, 20 characters 传感器输入 6- or 4-wire Load cell supply: 12 V Impedance: min. 75 Ohm, e.g. 8 load cells with 650 Ohm 串口 Bi-directional serial interfaces RS 232; user selectable protocols: Remote Display, Printer 精度 5000d class III acc. to EN 45 501; OIML R 76 min. verification interval 1.2 μV/e; 线性度 <0.007 % 分辨率 max. 330,000 div. (internal) | 测量原理 ratiometric integrating A/D converter Conversion time: 50 ms Update: 100 ms to 2 s , adjustable in 100 ms steps digital filter 0,1 to 5Hz 输入型号范围 Net range 2.4 mV to 36 mV tare range: 0...33.6 mV 温度影响 Live zero Tko: <0.1 μV / K RTI Span TKspn: <0.006 %/10 K 温度范围 Operation: -10°C to +40°C Storage: -40°C to +70°C 用电安全 According to IEC 61010-1 振动 According to IEC 600-68 静电放电 According to IEC 61000-4-2 供应线 According to IEC 61000-4-4 电磁场 According to IEC 61000-4-3 无线电干扰 According to EN 55011 |
订货型号 PRO-X5 230 V PR 5610/00 配件 Serial Interface (RS 232/485) PR 1713/04 RAM Extension 1 MB PR 1713/05 Analog Output PR 1713/06 4 analog In-/4 analog Output PR 1713/07 BCD Interface PR 1713/08 4 dig. In-/4 dig. Output (Opto) PR 1713/12 DIOS Master PR 1713/13 Ethernet Interface PR 1713/14 4 dig. In- /4 dig. Output (Opto/Relais) PR 1713/15 6 dig. In-/8 dig. Output (Opto) PR 1713/17 Panel Mounting Kit PR 1713/91 Profibus-DP Interface PR 1721/01 Interbus-S Interface PR 1721/12 DeviceNet Interface PR 1721/14 X5-PowerTools PR 8001/01
相关型号 X1 PR5301 X3 PR5410 X4 PR5510 X6 PR5710
