详细介绍:传感器电阻 | 120 - 1000 ohm | 输入灵敏度 | 1 mV/V – 10 mV/V | 输入阻抗 | 10 百万欧姆 | 输出电压 | 0 – 10 V | 输出阻抗 | 75 ohm | 精度 | ± 0.05% of FS |
传感器信号放大器是将传感器输出信号进行精密放大,线路内部进行稳压、恒流供桥、电压电流转换,阻抗适配,线性补偿,温度补偿等,将力学量转换成标准电流、电压信号输出。 美国Transducer Techniques TMO-2集成放大器和信号调理仪功能,用于信号源和读出设备之间的信号调理器件,如衰减器、前置放大器、电荷放大器以及对传感器或放大器进行非线性补偿的电平转换器件。 Transducer TMO-2传感器模块是一款差分放大器/信号调节器,价格好,性价比高。并提供激励,结算和满刻度校准功能。 The TMO-2 Transducer Modules is a complete differential amplifier/signal conditioners with self contained power. The units provide excitation, balance and span adjustment via precision 10 turn pots, and shunt calibration necessary to couple a user supplied bridge type transducer to an indicating instrument. Full scale output is specified at plus or minus 10 VDC. The TMO-2 provides a floating shunt calibration circuit which applies calibration at the transducer, thereby eliminating errors due to line losses. The excitation supply incorporates a Wagner Ground to greatly improve Common Mode Rejection. The factory set bandwidth of the module is narrow to improve stability for applications such as weighing scales. The removal of a single capacitor will increase the frequency response DC to 60K Hz for dynamic data applications.
SIGNAL CONDITIONER Type: Full external bridge Sensor Resistance: 120 to 1000 ohm Balance Range: ±30% of output (350 ohm bridge) Shunt Calibration: Single point momentary Calibration value: 1 mV/V resistor provided BRIDGE AMPLIFIER Type: Bipolar differential Gain Range: 67 to 737 Input Sensitivity: 1 mV/V to 10 mV/V Input Impedance: 10 Megohm minimum Output Voltage: 0 to 10 Volts (2 mV/Vspecs) Output Current: 0 to 10 mA Output Impedance: 75 ohm CMR: 110 db minimum, DC to 60 Hz Noise and Ripple: Less than 3 mVP-P Nonlinearity: .01% maximum Accuracy: ± .05% of FS Type: Low pass, 6 db, octave Frequency: 16 Hz standard (160 and 1600 Hz available) EXCITATION SUPPLY Type: Constant voltage Output: 8 VDC ± .25V Output Current: 0 to 120 mA Current Limit: Factory set at 65 mA Load Regulation: .1% maximum for 100% load change GENERAL Balance Stability: .2% for 8 hours Gain Stability: .01% for 8 hours Tempco: .02% full scale/°C Isolation: 1000 Megohm, output to AC Operating Temp: 0 to 50°C Size: 3 x 3.75 x 6.25 inches Weight: Less than 2 lb approx. Fuse: 250 mA internal Power: 115 VAC 10% 60 Hz 3 Watts
订货型号 Order Code Model Capacity Range Calibration Descrtption TM0-2 N/A 120 VAC Conditioner Module 16 Hz Filter TM0-2-160 N/A 120 VAC Conditioner Module 160 Hz Filter TM0-2-1600 N/A 120 VAC Conditioner Module 1600 Hz Filter
