详细介绍:测量范围 | 铁基:0-140 mils (0-3500um) 非铁基:0-120 mils (0-3000um) | 分辨率 | 0.1/0.2 mils | 精度 | ±0.1 mils (3μm) or 3% of reading | 工作温度 | 0 °C to 50 °C | 用途 | 测钢铁上非磁性涂层和不锈钢非铁基技术上的绝缘涂层的厚度 |
Checkline DCF-3000EZ – 铁基型 Check-Line DCFN-3000EZ – 合成铁基和非铁基型 铁基型量程:0-140 mils (0-3500um) 非铁基型量程:0-120 mils (0-3000um) 美国ELECTROMATIC Equip't Co., Inc. (CECKLINE) 创立于1958年,半个多世纪以来CHECKLINE品牌一直以坚守成本效益宗旨,为工业测量领域提供完善的应用方案。CHECKLINE品牌的仪器仪表更是在全世界久负盛名,不仅产品性能卓越,所提供的产品保障更是行业翘楚。旗下热销产品有测力计,扭矩测试仪,手持式转速计,测厚仪,频闪仪,硬度计和张力计。 3000EZ运用: The 3000EZ Series Coating Thickness Gauge provides fast, non-destructive, accurate coating measurements on steel and non-ferrous metals. Designed to accommodate a wide range of laboratory and field applications and manufactured to international quality standards, the 3000EZ Series will provide years of trouble-free use. 3000EZ系列涂层测厚仪可以对钢和有色金属进行快速、无破坏性和精准测量。严格按照国际标准生产的3000EZ广泛适应于各种实验和现场应用,能长时间无障碍使用。 The 3000EZ Series is designed for testing non-magnetic coatings such as varnish, paint, enamel, chrome, copper, zinc, etc. on steel and iron (magnetic induction method) and all electrically insulating coatings, such as varnish, paint, anodizing coatings on non-ferrous metals, also on stainless steel (eddy-current method). 3000EZ专门为测非磁铁涂层而设计,其测量范围不仅有钢铁上清漆,油漆,搪瓷,铬,铜和锌,还有有色金属和不锈钢上的清漆,油漆,阳极电镀等电绝缘涂层。
硬金属杆上集成有双传感器 包含校验证书 现场统计显示容量达99 readings 语言可选英语,单位可选公制单位 一年保修期
量程 | Ferrous: 0 - 140.00 mils (0 - 3500 μm) Non-Ferrous: 0 - 120.00 mils (0 - 3000 μm) | 精度 | ±0.1 mils (3μm) or 3% of reading, whichever is greater | 分辨率 | Refer To Table Above | 显示 | back-lit, 4-digit alphanumeric, digit height | 最小测量区域 | 0.5" x 0.5" (13 mm x 13 mm) | 最小曲率半径 | concave: 0.2" (5 mm) | 最小基带厚度 | Ferrous: 20 mils / 0.5 mm Non-Ferrous: 2 mils / 50 μm | 校准 | factory calibration, zero calibration | 统计程序 | Number of readings, mean value, standard deviation, maximum and minimum reading of max. 99 readings | 运行温度 | 32 °F to 122 °F / 0 °C to 50 °C | 表温度 | 5 °F to 140 °F / -15 °C to 60 °C | 存储温度. | -4 °F to 140 °F / -20 °C to +60 °C | 电源 | 2 AAA 1.5V | 尺寸 | 4.3" x 2" x 1" (110 mm x 50 mm x 25 mm) | 重量 | 3.2 oz (90 g) | 防护等级 | IP 52 (proof against dust and dripping water) | 标准 | DIN, ISO, ASTM, BS | 质保 | 1 Year | 校验证书 | Included |
订购清单: The 3000EZ Series is supplied as a complete kit with gauge, ferrous & non-ferrous zero plate (Combination model only), plastic test shim, 2 AA batteries, soft carrying pouch, instruction manual and calibration certificate. 仪表箱,机身,铁基和非铁基零金属板,塑料试验垫片,5号电池,软袋,操作说明书和校准证书。
订货型号 Item | Descrtption | DCF-3000EZ | DCF-3000EZ Ferrous Only Model Complete Kit | DCFN-3000EZ | DCFN-3000EZ Combination Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Model Complete Kit |
相关产品: DCF-3000EZ-E 铁基 DCFN-3000EZ-E 合成铁基和非铁基 TS-5CG和CPS 3000EZ-E DCF-900 DCN-900 PT-200
