详细说明 |
品牌:曙光科技 | 产地:浙江乐清 | 价格:0人民币/箱 | 规格: | 简要说明: | |  | | 详细介绍: 无刷无环起动器是一种克服了绕线式异步电动机装有滑环、碳刷和复杂的起动装置等缺点,而保留了绕线电机起动电流小,起动转矩大等优点的起动设备。凡原来采用电阻起动器、电抗器、频敏变阻器、液体变阻起动器、软起动器起动的 JR、JZR、YR、YZR 三相绕线转子交流异步电动机 (变速、装有进相机的除外)均可选用“无刷无环起动器”来更新换代。
No brush No ring starter is to conquer the default of the rings、carbon brush、and complex starting sets on winging asynchronous motor, and is an equipment to reserve the advantage that small current and large torque of winging motor. JR、JZR、YR、YZR three phase winging stator ac asynchronous motor who use the starter of resistance、reactor、adjustable rheostat frequency sensitive rheostat、 liquild resistance starter、soft-starter all can choose “No Brush and no ring to stead.
No brush No ring starter remove the traditional 、complicated、multiconduction component starting equipment. it is easy to operate and install, less repairing expense. the advantage is: to keep the original operation without rings、carbon brush、brush box、brush box shell、short circuit ring and ajustable rheostat frequency sensitive rheostat on secondary loop system AC connector and time relay.
额定频率:50Hz 额定电压:380V 配用电机功率:15-125KW a.轻载:0.6Me≤M≤0.8Me 、2.5Ie b.重载:1.6Me≤M≤2.0Me 、3.0Ie
Rated Frequency: 50Hz Rated Voltege: 380V Adapt Motor Power: 15-125KW a.light load: 0.6Me≤M≤0.8Me 、2.5Ieb.heavy load: 1.6Me≤M≤2.0Me 、3.0Ie

无刷无环起动器的工作原理是利用电动机在起动过程中,转子电流频率 fz 随转子转速升高而降低的关系 fz=f1×S,当转子转速由 0 上升到额定转速 Ne 时,转子电流频率则从 50Hz 平滑地降至1~3Hz。起动器阻抗 Zp=rp+jxp,其中铁损 rp的大小与频率的平方成正比,随着 fz 的降低,rp也随之下降,电抗 Xp=ωLP,同理,Xp 也减少。当起动结束后,sf1 很小,Zp 则降到很小甚至近似于零,因此电动机在起动时,既能限制起动电流,也能提高功率因数和增大起动转矩,是一种理想的起动装置。
The principle of starter is to use the current frequency of stator fz reduce when stator speed risingfz=f1xS, when the speed of stator rise 0 to rated speed ne, current frequency of stator from 50hz down to 1-3hz. of starter zp=rp+jxp, the size of iron loss rp is proportional to frequency square. with the reduction of fz, rp will go down, reactance xp=ωLp, xp will reduce. when the starting finish, sf1 is very small, zp will go down to nearly zero, so when starting, it not only limit the current, but also improve power factor and torque, which is an ideal starting equipment.
与WZR无刷自控电机软起动器方式一致。 此电动机转子出头线有两种:即50KW以上的电动机转子有6个出头线(A-A、B-B、C-C),50KW以下的电动机转子只有3个出头线,本公司生产的无刷无环起动器也按功率大小,设有6个或3个接线柱。起动器装配完成后,将转子的出线接在起动器接线柱对应位置(对于有六根出线的电动机,应将同一相的两根导线,对称地接在起动器的两个接线柱上)即可,具体接线如下图所示。
It is the same as WZR No Brush self-controlled motor soft starter. There is 2 kind of out-head line of motor stator: 6 out-head line of more than 50KW motor stator(A-A、B-B、C-C). 3 out- head line of less than 50kw of stator. the starter also be designed 6-3 binding post according to power. after finishing the installation, pls connect the line to corresponding location of binding post.
