Allen Bradley 81000-199-52-R 80190-258-02B 锡尔摩特价质保一年 致电:0592-5579206
Allen Bradley 81000-199-52-R 80190-258-02B 的用途和特点:
Allen Bradley 81000-199-52-R 80190-258-02B 的功能和使用说明说:
公司简介:厦门锡尔摩电气有限公司 座落于美丽的鹭岛厦门(莲花大厦),是一家长年专业从事全球知名品牌的自动化产品的研发与销售,有资深的采购、销售工程师及售后处理。我司售出的备品备件均经过严格的测试,所有产品都提供一年的产品质量保证。我司持以纯电子商务模式运营、缩减中间环节、为客户在第一时间提供优质的产品及满意的服务、为您的生产以及采购工作提供‘安全 快捷 方便’。本公司拥有完善的物流供应系统,发货、送货快捷,并且我司现已与众多国外知名自动化品牌供应商建立了良好的合作关系,以保证供货正常,并且我司能够提供不同国别、厂商的设备以及备件,解决您多处寻,订货的翻。在价格上我们有很大的优势、如需了解更多的产品信息欢迎您来电咨询。
Company profile:
Xiamen XierMo Electric Co, Ltd is an automation company , we have a lot of the PLC Product in-sotck our warehouse ,all of our part has been tested can work well , we will provide a year warranty ,If you purchase our part .
Our price is fair ,if you need other part, pls send an inquiry to me , I will answer you in time ,my mail is 2476237907@qq dot com
QQ: 2476237907
1. DCS集散式控制系统:
FOXBORO(福克斯波罗):I/A Series系统:FBM(现场输入/输出模块)顺序控制、梯形逻辑控制、事故追忆处理、数模转换、输入/输出信号处理、数据通信及处理等。
Honeywell(霍尼韦尔): TDC系列、QCS系列、S9000系列备件。
ABB:ADVANT OCS、MOD30、MO300、Bailey(贝利) INFI90、Masterview 850、AC460、S100、S800系统备件。
XYCOM: VME系列总线板、可编程人机界面。
2. PLC可编程控制器:
Allen-Bradley(罗克韦尔):1746/1756/ 1771/ 1785 1769系列、Reliance瑞恩。
Schneider(施耐德): Modicon Quantum 140CPU处理器、输入输出模块、电源模块等。
GE 90/70 90/30系列 IC 200 600 660 等等
3. 伺服控制系统:
Siemens(西门子):6SN/6FC/6FX系列, 提供数控系统(810、802D SL、810D、840D)及备件的销售。
4. 测量传感器:
5. 电气柜:
6. 工业机器人系统备件:
ABB Robots、FANUC Robots、YASKAWA Robots、KUKA Robots、Mitsubishi Robots、OTC Robots、Panasonic Robots、MOTOMAN Robots。
Ultra-Spill Deck P1 26" x 26" x 5.5" Yellow, 1000-1500 lb Capacity
Ultravac N860672 Rev E Control Panel for Vacuum Packaging *Damage See Details*
Ulvac G-20D Rotary Vacuum Pump (tested to 26-in-hg)
Unaflex Fixed Plate Flange Type44 13.5" x 6"
Unaflex Fixed Plate Flange Type44 13.5" x 7-1/2" **SEE DESCRTPTION**
Uniblitz Electronic VS25S2ZM1HT 25mm Uni-Stable Shutters
Uniblitz VMM-4 4 Channel Uni-stable Shutter Driver
Union Tool TGW3-285 Linear Bearing Block on 11-1/4"(L) x 41mm(W) Rail
Unit Instruments UFC-1020 Mass Flow Controller 200 SCCM N2
Unit Instruments UFC-1020 Mass Flow Controller 200 SCCM N2 (dented housing)
Unit Instruments UFC-1020 Mass Flow Controller 500 SCCM N2
Universal Instruments 42877801-B E-17 EXP-VME68K VME Board
Universal M2-150T Fiber Optic Light Source w/Emergency Backup Bulb
Universal Sensors LA-02 Leak Alert
US Motor OTW2203S Gear Reducer 90:1 1750-Input-RPM 3074-Ouput-Torque
US Motors HWN2302S2T33D224U56 Gearbox 224:1 Ratio 1750 Input RPM Left Output
USG Test Gauge 0-300 PSI 4" Dia. Gauge, 1/4" Port
USMC M PLAN APO 2x / 0.055 Objective Lens
Vacuum Cleaner Separator 10-1/2" x 14" x 11-1/2", 1" Inlet, 3/4" Outlet *Notes*
Vacuum Cross Fitting NW25 Aluminum
Vacuum Table / Chuck 6" x 10 3/4" Vacuum Surface 8 1/2" x 12 1/2" Overall
Vacuum Table 22" x 9" x 7/8" Overall
Vacuum Table for Cutting Film / Light Material 18" x 12 3/8" x 15/16" Overall
Vacuum Table Plate 28" x 25.75"
Vaisala HMD60U Humidity Transmitter 10-35VDC 4-20mA
Van Dorn 25mm Screw for Injection Unit 24.125"Long
Van Dorn 30VB-3F-02 30mm Barrel for 3F Injection Unit 27-9/16" CPM10V Lined
Van Dorn 30VB-3F-04 30mm Barrel for 3F Injection Unit 27-9/16" CPM10V Lined
Veeco Metrology 619-207 DAIO Board for LED Lighting PCI Interface
Veeder-Root 7972 Digital Tachometer w/Veeder-Root 614619-001 Bench Mount Case
Vega 625 Vegamet Signal Conditioner and Indicating Instrument for Level Sensors
Velmex MB2512W2J-S21/2 UniSlide Assembly, Bodine NSH-12R Gearmotor, Minarik SL15
Vented Enclosure Attached to Workbench 41" x 28" x 16 3/4" Enclosure 3/4" Thick
Verilink 4016-R ESF CSU Card 310-010189-002 REV AG
Verilink 4016-R ESF CSU Card 319-010189-001 REV C
Verity EP200Msd Monochromator / Detector