BALDOR BTS10-200-15-/45-24-R-717 销售服务热线-Market service line: 0592-5579206
产品型号-Product model【BALDOR BTS10-200-15-/45-24-R-717】
产品状态-In-stock or No : 现货/期货
产品货期-Lead Time : 【BALDOR BTS10-200-15-/45-24-R-717】
产品质量-Part quanlity :所有产品在出库前都是经过严格测试与筛选,一年质保。[All the part of our company has been tested and make sure can work well,One Year Warrany]
销售服务热线-Market service line: 0592-5579206
如果您有什么问题请欢迎随时来电。[If you have any question , pls do not hesitate to contact me.]
US Motor OTW2203S Gear Reducer 90:1 1750-Input-RPM 3074-Ouput-Torque
US Motors HWN2302S2T33D224U56 Gearbox 224:1 Ratio 1750 Input RPM Left Output
USG Test Gauge 0-300 PSI 4" Dia. Gauge, 1/4" Port
USMC M PLAN APO 2x / 0.055 Objective Lens
Vacuum Cleaner Separator 10-1/2" x 14" x 11-1/2", 1" Inlet, 3/4" Outlet *Notes*
Vacuum Cross Fitting NW25 Aluminum
Vacuum Table / Chuck 6" x 10 3/4" Vacuum Surface 8 1/2" x 12 1/2" Overall
Vacuum Table 22" x 9" x 7/8" Overall
Vacuum Table for Cutting Film / Light Material 18" x 12 3/8" x 15/16" Overall
Vacuum Table Plate 28" x 25.75"
Vaisala HMD60U Humidity Transmitter 10-35VDC 4-20mA
Van Dorn 25mm Screw for Injection Unit 24.125"Long
Van Dorn 30VB-3F-02 30mm Barrel for 3F Injection Unit 27-9/16" CPM10V Lined
Van Dorn 30VB-3F-04 30mm Barrel for 3F Injection Unit 27-9/16" CPM10V Lined
Veeco Metrology 619-207 DAIO Board for LED Lighting PCI Interface
Veeder-Root 7972 Digital Tachometer w/Veeder-Root 614619-001 Bench Mount Case
Vega 625 Vegamet Signal Conditioner and Indicating Instrument for Level Sensors
Velmex MB2512W2J-S21/2 UniSlide Assembly, Bodine NSH-12R Gearmotor, Minarik SL15
Vented Enclosure Attached to Workbench 41" x 28" x 16 3/4" Enclosure 3/4" Thick
Verilink 4016-R ESF CSU Card 310-010189-002 REV AG
Verilink 4016-R ESF CSU Card 319-010189-001 REV C
Verity EP200Msd Monochromator / Detector
Verity EP200Msd Monochromator / Detector w/Fiber Optic Cable 3/16" Input
VersaLogic VL-PS35 STD Bus Power Supply 85-264VAC, 47-440Hz
Vexta AXHM015K-50 Brushless DC Gearhead 15W 50:1 Ratio 6mm Shaft
Vexta BLD11524-F Brushless DC Motor Driver, BL215GD-24F Motor, 2GD5K Gearhead