Daihen OTC W-L00692 销售服务热线-Market service line: 0592-5579206
产品型号-Product model【Daihen OTC W-L00692】
产品状态-In-stock or No : 现货/期货
产品货期-Lead Time : 【Daihen OTC W-L00692】
产品质量-Part quanlity :所有产品在出库前都是经过严格测试与筛选,一年质保。[All the part of our company has been tested and make sure can work well,One Year Warrany]
销售服务热线-Market service line: 0592-5579206
如果您有什么问题请欢迎随时来电。[If you have any question , pls do not hesitate to contact me.]
Spears 1832-025C 2-1/2" True Union 2000 Industrial Ball Valve CPVC Glue Weld
Spears 1839-020C 2" CPVC Union 2000 Ball Valve Socket/FNPT 2" Locking 235 PSI
Spears 2-1/2" True Union 2000 Industrial Ball Valve Socket CPVC Glue weld
Spears 3632-025C 2-1/2" True Union 2000 Standard Ball Valve Socket CPVC 2-1/2"
Spears 3632-030C TU 2000 Standard Ball Valve Viton O-Ring CPVC 3" 150 PSI
Speed Selector 8816-000 Variable Speed Pulley Drive 6-1/2" OD 5/8" Bore
Speedaire 3/8"x34' Spring Retracting Air/Water Hose Reel
Spence 2030TF-GQK Series 2000 Regulator Valve Body Assembly 120-230 Farenheit
Sperry Eaton Vickers 923481 H20 Cartridge Kit
Sperry Vickers 590870 F3 PA5DG558 2N K WLB 10 Valve
Sperry Vickers CG 06C 40 Relief Valve
Sperry Vickers CS 10 G 30 Relief Valve
Sperry Vickers Deceleration Valve Check DT15S2-060-K-11
Sperry Vickers Deceleration Valve Check DT15S2-060-K-11
Sperry Vickers Deceleration Valve Check DT15S2-060-K-11
Sperry Vickers Deceleration Valve Check DT15S2-060-K-11
Sperry Vickers Deceleration Valve Check DT15S2-060-K-11
Sperry Vickers DG2S4 12A 51 Directional Valve
Sperry Vickers DG4S2 012A 51 Directional Valve
Sperry Vickers DG55 8 33C T WLB 10 5867O2 Valve
Sperry Vickers DG5S-8-33C-MPB-WLB-20 Valve
Sperry Vickers DGMDC-5-Y-AM-30 02-317831 Check Valve
Sperry Vickers DGX 06 1F 52 Reducing Valve 200-1000 psi
Sperry Vickers DGX 061BL 51 Reducing Valve 80-1000 psi
Sperry Vickers Double A DGX 06 1B 60 Unused No Knob
Sperry Vickers DT15S2-060-K-11 Deceleration Valve Check
Sperry Vickers Eaton Directional Valve DG2S4 012A 51
Sperry Vickers F 3 DGX 06 1B 52 Reducing Valve
Sperry Vickers F 3 DGX 06 1F 52 Reducing Valve
Sperry Vickers F3 DGX 06 1FL 52 Reducing Valve
Sperry Vickers F3CT06B40 Hydraulic Relief Valve
Sperry Vickers OFSS 25 P 25M VE 10 736406 Spin On Filter Assembly 2" NPT