NOR-Cal products 050127-25 销售服务热线-Market service line: 0592-5579206
产品型号-Product model【NOR-Cal products 050127-25】
产品状态-In-stock or No : 现货/期货
产品货期-Lead Time : 【NOR-Cal products 050127-25】
产品质量-Part quanlity :所有产品在出库前都是经过严格测试与筛选,一年质保。[All the part of our company has been tested and make sure can work well,One Year Warrany]
销售服务热线-Market service line: 0592-5579206
如果您有什么问题请欢迎随时来电。[If you have any question , pls do not hesitate to contact me.]
NIB THK GL15S16+600L Linear Actuator Ball Screw 600mm Travel 16mm Thread
NIB THK GL15S16+800L Linear Actuator Ball Screw 800mm Travel 16mm Thread
NIB Timken Tapered Roller Bearing H913842-200006 22
Nickel Plated Steel Angle Plate 90-Degrees 8" x 8" x 22", 3/4"-Thick
Nikon 03L 2-Axis Stage 11-lbs-Capacity 100mm x 50mm Travel (missing glass)
Nikon 03L 2-Axis Stage 11-lbs-Capacity 100mm x 50mm Travel (missing glass/ knob)
Nikon 03L 2-Axis Stage 11-lbs-Capacity 100mm x 50mm Travel (read descrtption)
Nikon 60625 Rotating Gimbal 1-Axis, 95mm Inner *See Details*
Nikon CFW15x Eye Piece Mounted in Laser Hardware
Nikon CFW15x Eye Piece Mounted in Laser Hardware
Nikon C-W10X/22 10x Microscope Eye Piece
Nikon C-W10xB/22 10x Microscope Eyepiece
Nikon ED Plan 1x Microscope Objective Lens
Nikon SMZ-1B Microscope Body (no eyepieces or objective lens - read descrtption)
Nikon TV Relay Lens 1x/16
Nikon VM-150 Driver for CNC Automated Inspection Machine 120/240VAC 3-1.5A
Nippon Pillar PC20MP2519 5421-1 Bellows Pump 24 l/min 75PSI 10°C to 50°C
Nippon Pillar PC20MP2519 5421-2 Bellows Pump 24 l/min 75PSI 50°C
Nireco Liteguide AE50-1/H Amplifier *For Parts Only*
No Shok 800--40/120-1-1-8-8-040-6 Temperature Transmitter 10-30VDC In 4-20mA Out
Nook Industries SAR3043 Ballscrew Assembly, 4198 lbs Dynamic Load, 43" Length
Nord Gear Reducer N140TC
Nordic Controls 72HD35AFA 460V Elevator Starter Series C, Furnas 42FE35AF107
Norgren 11-818-110 Pressure Regulator, Inlet 10Bar/150PSIG
Norgren F1025C-A1 Prospector Poppet Valve 4/2Way (4-Way) 3/4" Port, 0-300PSIG
Norgren F74G-3AN-AD3 Filter, Norgren R74G-3AK-RMG, Norgren T74E-3AA-P1N
Norgren M/60215/M/90 Mini Rotary Actuator
Norgren P72F-2AC-NNN Exhaust Valve, T72E-2AA-P1N Off-Valve, F72G-2AN-AL Filter