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产品价格:电议   元(人民币)
发货地:巩义  (发货期:当天内发货)







球石用途:人工球石是广泛用于石油、化工、化肥、天然气及环保等行业,作为反应器内催化剂的覆盖支撑材料和塔填料。它具有耐高温高压,吸水率低,化学性能稳定的特点。能经受酸、碱及其它有机溶剂的腐蚀,并能经受生产过程中出现的温度变化。其主要作用是增加气体或液体分布点,支撑和保护强度不高的活性催化剂。   天然球石主要用于:一 装饰用球石 1.户外铺设:路面、公园假山、盆景填充材料等方面。铺设的地面、甬道路面能起到美化环境保健身体的作用。2、室内居室地面、鱼缸等各种室内环境美化; 3、建筑外墙装饰 适合家庭浴池、宾馆大堂等使用, 铺装方便,效果明了,更上档次,有种回归大自然的感觉 二 工业用球石: 天然卵石滤料是经过大量的人工挑选,具有石英石的强度 用途 用于生活给水、工业给水、工业废水、生活污水的过滤处理,对水中的浊度有较好的过滤作用, 同时可跟据各种粒径作为承托层使用. 供应瓷厂 电厂 水泥厂 耐火材料厂。


The stone" is the stone into the spherical, artificial stones, and natural stone balls ball. Artificial stone is a ball quality raw materials, advanced technology, dry spray drying full-automatic isostatic pressing molding process, the high temperature sintering furnace fuel tunnel, the products are widely used in ceramic enterprises, grinding mill glost blank, mainly for grinding media. The natural stone is the natural ball from experienced spherical pebbles, after the crust movement million years ago by ancient riverbed uplift of sand mountains, experiencing the flash floods hit, handling continuous extrusion, friction. In the process of evolution of tens of thousands of years vicissitudes of life, they hit the water weather-beaten wave motion, gravel collision friction lost irregular edges, and sediment was buried along the silent millions of years. Main chemical compositions are silica, followed by small amounts of iron and manganese trace of copper, aluminum, magnesium, such elements and compounds. They have different pigment, such as iron, sand for blue purple copper, manganese, yellow for for silica gel stone translucent jade color with green, mineral, etc, Because these pigment ions into the silica hydrothermal type and content, thus showing different shades, depth of color, make the ever-changing stone shows black, white, yellow, red, blackish green color, walked. Etc.
[editor for the use of stone balls]
Artificial stone balls are widely used in petroleum, chemical, fertilizer, gas and environmental protection industries, as the reactor catalyst support materials covered and packing. It has the high-temperature high-pressure, bibulous rate is low, stable in chemical characteristics. Can endure acid, alkali and other organic solvent, and can withstand the corrosion of the production process temperature changes. Its main function is to increase the gas or liquid, supporting and protecting tau strength is not high activity catalyst. Mainly used in natural stone balls a decorative stone 1 ball park road, outdoor laid: rockery miniascape filling materials, etc. The ground, tunnel road paving can beautification environment health body function. 2 bedroom, indoor ground, various indoor environment beautification aquarium, 3, exterior decoration for family baths, hotel lobby, shop, more convenient, effect, have feeling of return to nature, natural stone industry pins 2 pebble filter material is massive artificially select, comprised of strength is used to drinking water, industrial use water, industrial waste, sewage treatment, the filter on the turbidity water has good filtering effect, can also according to various size as supporting power supply porcelain layers use. Refractlry factory.
[editor for the distribution of stone balls]
Domestic main goals from the origin of stone of the Yangtze river, is abundant resources, to be deposited in the rest of the ball. Stone resources also relatively rich, north of henan, shandong and liaoning including south, including guizhou, chongqing, guangxi, stone resources, and the characteristics of variety. One of guizhou and guangxi pebble resources due to some historical reasons, and resource reserve, and more abundant species. In the southwest of the large pebble more, this kind of pebble bulky, especially suitable for shape, as landmark geomantic culture stone or stone. The middle Yellow River, henan province are pebbles, have qualitative, quartz and granite rock, etc. Which quartz miscellaneous quality pebbles accounts for about a fifth of the total, henan province and only MengJinXian luoyang suburban jiyuan stone quarry quartz qualitative ball in the reserves, and hundreds of thousands of tons, the relative density of pure texture, smooth surface, through selecting, large-tonnage mill as the grinding media. The grinding efficiency, low cost, be worth to recommend using western ceramic enterprises.


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