◆ 适用于爆炸性气体环境1区、2区;
◆ applicable to the 2 District, 1 District, explosive gas environment;
◆ 适用于ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC级爆炸性气体环境;
◆ applicable to Ⅱ A, Ⅱ B, Ⅱ C explosive gas environment;
◆ 适用于温度组别为T1~T4的环境;
◆ applicable temperature classes for T1~T4 environment;
◆ 可配装白炽灯、自镇汞灯、高压汞灯、高压钠灯、金卤灯、节能灯;
◆ incandescent lamp, self ballasted mercury, high pressure mercury lamp, high pressure sodium lamp, metal halide lamp, energy saving lamp;
◆ 适用于石油采炼、储存、化工、医药、军工及军事设施等爆炸性危险环境。
◆ applicable to the petroleum production and refining, storage, chemical, pharmaceutical, military and military facilities and other explosive dangerous environment.