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Eddy Current 供应UV Meter DIX-555A放大图片

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品牌:UV Meter产地:美国

简要说明:UV Meter牌的Eddy Current 供应UV Meter DIX-555A产品:估价:0,规格:FL2-BULB,产品系列编号:齐全


Eddy Current Conductivity Meters 519739 Case for FM140XL 42-519739
ETher NDE 1.0-2.2% IACS ?Titanium, 6AL-4V (1.0-2.2 %IACS) CM-ET-S-TI
ETher NDE 100.0-103.6 %IACS ?Copper, (100.0-103.6 %IACS) CM-ET-S-CU
ETher NDE 17.0-22.0 %IACS ?Phosphor Bronze (17.0-22.0 %IACS) CM-ET-S-PBRZ

ETher NDE 2.0-3.0% IACS ?Stainless Steel, 303 S (2.0-3.0 %IACS) CM-ET-S-SS303S


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ETher NDE 24.0-26.0 %IACS ?Brass, CZ 121 (24.0-26.0 %IACS) CM-ET-S-BRS
ETher NDE 27.5-28.5 %IACS ?Aluminum Alloy, 5083 (27.5-28.5 %IACS) CM-ET-S-AL5083
Clark 2810P Hardness Standard w/ NIST Traceability (HRC) HT-CRB-10P
Clark 2840P Hardness Standard Calibrated w/ Diamond Indenter HT-CRB-40P
Clark 2850P Hardness Standard Calibrated w/ Ball Indenter HT-CRB-50P
ETher NDE 31.4-34.8 %IACS ?Aluminum Alloy, 7075-T6 (31.4-34.8 %IACS) CM-ET-S-AL7075-T6
ETher NDE 34.0-37.0 %IACS ?Aluminum Alloy, 2014A-T4 (34.0-37.0 %IACS) CM-ET-S-AL2014A-T4
ETher NDE 38.0-42.0 %IACS ?Aluminum Alloy, 2014A-T6 (38.0-42.0 %IACS) CM-ET-S-AL2014A-T6
ETher NDE 42.3-43.8 %IACS ?Aluminum Alloy, 6061-T4 (42.3-43.8 %IACS) CM-ET-S-AL6061-T4
ETher NDE 44.0-48.0 %IACS ?Aluminum Alloy, 6082-T6 (44.0-48.0 %IACS) CM-ET-S-AL6082-T6
Clark 4501S 1/16 Portable STEEL Ball Indenter HT-CR-4501S
Clark 4501W 1/16 Portable CARBIDE Ball Indenter HT-CR-4501W
Clark 4502S 1/8 Portable STEEL Ball Indenter HT-CR-4502S
Clark 4502W 1/8 PortableCARBIDE Ball Indenter HT-CR-4502W
Clark 452S Portable Diamond Indenter - NIST Level HT-CR-4525
ETher NDE 58.5-60.0 %IACS ?Aluminum Alloy, 1200-H4, (58.5-60.0 %IACS) CM-ET-S-AL1200-H4
ETher NDE 8.5-9.5 %IACS ?Nickel Silver, LC1291 (8.5-9.5 %IACS) CM-ET-S-NISI
Parker BAC-310 BAC-310, Portable Battery/Inverter, Operate A.C. Yokes w/o Outside Power Source. Available w/ 115V or 230V Battery Charger 39-BAC-310
Parker BAC60-60 BAC60-60 Spare Battery Pack w/ 20Ah Battery and Quick Change Bracket 39-BAC60-60
Clark CLC-200R CLC-200R Load Cell/Twin Rockwell type tester 501-CL200R
Clark CPT CPT test kit HT-CL-95100
Clark CPT-XL CPT-XL, kit HT-CL-95101
Clark CR-1 CR-1 Standard Rockwell type tester 501-CR1
CR-1A CR1A hardness tester HT-CR-CR-1A
Clark CR-1e CR-1e Reduced height Regular Rockwell type tester 501-CR1e
CR-1eA CR1ea hardness tester HT-CR-CR1eA
Clark CR-2 CR-2 Superficial Rockwell type tester 501-CR2
Clark CR-2e CR-2e Reduced height Superficial Rockwell type tester 501-CR2e
Clark CR-3 CR-3 Twin Rockwell type tester 501-CR3
Clark CR-3e CR-3e. Reduced height Twin tester 501-CR3e
UV Meter DIX-365A DIX-365A, UV Sensor, 365 nm 29-DIX-365A
UV Meter DIX-555A DIX-555A, White Light Sensor, Footcandles 29-DIX-555A
UV Meter DIX-555A/L DIX-555A/L, White Light Sensor, LUX 29-DIX-555A/L
UV Meter DM-365XA DM-365XA, Radiometer, 365nm, 0-19,990 microwatts per cm2 29-DM-365XA
UV Meter DR-75 DR-75 29-DR75
UV Meter DSE-100X DSE-100X, Digital Readout Unit - ONLY (uw/cm2 ft. candles) 29-DSE-100X
Economical Light Meter DT-1308 White Light Meter w/ Cert White Light Meter DT-1308 with Calibration Certificate
E2-4-100 ExtremeVideoscope‐2‐way,4.0mm,1.0m RV-ITC-E2
E2-4-150 ExtremeVideoscope‐2‐way,4.0mm,1.5m RV-ITC-E
E2-4-200 ExtremeVideoscope‐2‐way,4.0mm,2.0m RV-ITC-E2-4-200
E2-4-300 ExtremeVideoscope‐2‐way,4.0mm,3.0m RV-ITC-4-300
EagleEye EK-3000
AccuMAX EPT510C UV-A Meter (EPT-510) w/ Certification UV-EP-EPT510C
UV Meter FL1-BAT Star-Lite FL-1 Lithium-Ion Battery Pack UV-KY-FL1-LB
UV Meter FL1-BULB Replacement bulb for FL-1 UV?Flashlight UV-KY-FL1-BULB
UV Meter FL2-BAT Star-Lite FL-2 Handle/Lithium Ion Battery Pack Assy UV-KY-FL2-LB
UV Meter FL2-BULB Replacement Bulb for?FL-2 UV?Flashlight UV-KY-FL2-Bulb
UV Meter FL2-KIT Star-Lite FL-2 Lamp Kit, includes: Handle/lithium Ion Battery Assy, Desk Top Charger Adapter, AC Charger, Car Charger, Carrying Strap and Heavy Duty Carrying Case. UV-KU-FL2-KIT
UV Meter FL-CPS Star-Lite 110/220 VAC Charger/Power Supply (to FL-1 or Desk Top Charger Adapter)
UV Meter FL-DCA Star-Lite FL Desk Top Charger Adapter. Allows the charging of FL-1 battery while the lamp is being used with another battery. Required for charging FL-2 Handle/Battery Pack Assy. UV-KY-FL-DCA
UV Meter FL-FILTER Star-Lite FL Replacement UV Filter UV-KY-FL-FILTER

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