代理美国GE PACSystems RX3i系列PLC模块IC694MDL646原装正品
代理美国GE PACSystems RX3i系列PLC模块IC694MDL646原装正品
  • 规格:IC694MDL646
  • 发货地:上海金山区
  • 品牌:
  • 最小起订量:1台
  • 免费会员











      IC694MDL646 艾默生EMERSON 自动化PLC控制器原美国通用电气GE的PLC模块PACSystems RX3i系列PLC 16点输入模块 INPUT MODULE 24 VDC 16 POINT POS/NEG LOGIC 1 MSEC FILTER

      西安开轩自动化北京办事处供应GE IC694MDL646,授权代理GE上位组态软件IFIX软件(IFIX5.8、IFIX5.9、IFIX6.0)、Cimplicity软件,iHistorian软件,代理供应GE PACSystems RX3i系列PLC,Versamax系列PLC,90-30系列PLC,VersaMax Micro Nano,PAC8000系列PLC、及各种PLC编程软件,GE 90-30系列PLC升级改造项目,ifix软件升级改造项目常规型号现货充足,欢迎来电或者QQ咨询。

      西安开轩授权代理商 邓经理      mob:13659210076  QQ:1090532090

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      IC694ACC003 Door labels for the IC694MDLxxx I/O modules. The kit includes two each of the following modules. IC694ACC300, IC694ACC310, IC694ALG220, IC694ALG221, IC694ALG222, IC694ALG223, IC694ALG390, IC694ALG391, IC694ALG392, IC694ALG442,IC694APU300, IC694APU305,
      IC694ACC300 Input simulator module, 16 points.
      IC694ACC310 RX3i Blank filler module
      IC694ACC311 Terminal blocks, 20 terminal (qty 6) for IC694xx I/O modules only.
      IC694ALG220 Input module, analog 4 point voltage.
      IC694ALG220CA Conformal Coated Analog Input Voltage module, 4 channels.
      IC694ALG221 Input module, analog 4 point current.
      IC694ALG221CA Conformal Coated Input module, analog 4 point current.
      IC694ALG221LT Low Temperature Tested Input module, analog 4 point current.
      IC694ALG222 Input module, analog 16 point single ended/8 channel differential, voltage.
      IC694ALG222CA Conformal Coated Analog Voltage Input module 16 channels single ended/ 8channels differential
      IC694ALG222LT Low Temperature Tested Input module, analog 16 point single ended/8 channel differential, voltage.
      IC694ALG223 Input module, analog 16 point single ended, current.
      IC694ALG223CA Input module, analog 16 point single ended, current.
      IC694ALG223LT Low Temperature tested (-40C to 60C) Input module, analog 16 point single ended, current.
      IC694ALG232 RX3i Efficiency 16-Channel Advanced Analog Voltage Input module provides 16 single-ended or 8 differential input channels. 0 to 10 V (unipolar), -10 to +10V (bipolar) with 16 bit resolution. Advanced diagnostics. Requires Proficy® Machine Edition Logic D
      IC694ALG232CA Conformal Coated RX3i Efficiency 16-Channel Advanced Analog Voltage Input module provides 16 single-ended or 8 differential input channels. 0 to 10 V (unipolar), -10 to +10V (bipolar) with 16 bit resolution. Advanced diagnostics. Requires Proficy® Machin
      IC694ALG232LT Low Temperature. RX3i Efficiency 16-Channel Advanced Analog Voltage Input module provides 16 single-ended or 8 differential input channels. 0 to 10 V (unipolar), -10 to +10V (bipolar) with 16 bit resolution. Advanced diagnostics. Requires Proficy® Machi
      IC694ALG233 RX3i Efficiency 16-Channel Advanced Analog Current Input module provides 16 single-ended or 8 differential input channels. 0 - 20mA and 4 - 20mA with 16 bit resolution. Advanced diagnostics. Requires Proficy® Machine Edition Logic Developer 6.5 SIM 5 an
      IC694ALG233CA Conformal Coated RX3i Efficiency 16-Channel Advanced Analog Current Input module provides 16 single-ended or 8 differential input channels. 0 - 20mA and 4 - 20mA with 16 bit resolution. Advanced diagnostics. Requires Proficy® Machine Edition Logic Develo
      IC694ALG233LT Low Temperature. RX3i Efficiency 16-Channel Advanced Analog Current Input module provides 16 single-ended or 8 differential input channels. 0 - 20mA and 4 - 20mA with 16 bit resolution. Advanced diagnostics. Requires Proficy® Machine Edition Logic Devel
      IC694ALG391 Output module analog 2 points, current.
      IC694ALG391CA Conformal Coated Analog Current Output module, 2 channels.
      IC694ALG392 Output module analog 8 points, voltage/current.
      IC694ALG392CA Conformal Coated Output module analog 8 points, voltage/current.
      IC694ALG392LT Low Temperature Tested 8 channel analog output module.
      IC694ALG442 Analog combination module current/voltage 4 inputs 2 outputs.
      IC694ALG442CA Conformal Coated Analog Input module, 4 in and 2 out. Voltage and current supported.
      IC694ALG542 RX3i Efficiency combination analog module, 4 in voltage/current and 2 out voltage/current with 16 bit resolution and advanced diagnostics. Requires Proficy® Machine Edition Logic Developer 6.5 SIM 5 and above CPU firmware 6.5 and above.
      IC694ALG542CA Conformal Coated RX3i Efficiency combination analog module, 4 in voltage/current and 2 out voltage/current with 16 bit resolution and advanced diagnostics. Requires Proficy® Machine Edition Logic Developer 6.5 SIM 5 and above CPU firmware 6.5 and above.
      IC694ALG542LT Low Temperature RX3i Efficiency combination analog module, 4 in voltage/current and 2 out voltage/current with 16 bit resolution and advanced diagnostics. Requires Proficy® Machine Edition Logic Developer 6.5 SIM 5 and above CPU firmware 6.5 and above.
      IC694APU300 High speed counter module 200KHZ A B and C type, enhanced mode up to 1MHz with 2MHz internal oscillator
      IC694APU300CA Conformal Coated High speed counter module 200KHZ A B and C type, enhanced mode up to 1MHz with 2MHz internal oscillator
      IC694APU305 I/O Processor high speed counter for Gray Code Encoder or A QUAD B Encoder. 30 kHz Abolute Encoder or 200 kHz A QUAD B Encoder.
      IC694BEM320 RX3i Communication Module, I/O Link Interface Module (Slave). Module uses RX3i high speed serial bus.
      IC694BEM321 RX3I Communication Module, I/O Link Interface Module (Master). Module is on the high speed serial bus.
      IC694BEM331 RX3i Genius Bus Controller (supports I/O and Datagrams). Module connectsto the serial bus. Requires CPU firmware 2.9 or higher and requires Proficy Machine Edition Version 5.00 SP1A Logic Developer-PLC, Hot Fix 1or later for configuration.
      IC694BEM331CA Conformal Coated Genius Bus Controller
      IC694BEM331LT Low Temperature Tested Genius Bus Controller
      IC694CBL005 .5 meter cable between IC694TBC032 and IC694RTB032
      IC694CBL010 1.0 meter Cable between IC694TBC032 and IC694RTB032
      IC694CBL030 3.0 meter Cable between IC694TBC032 and IC694RTB032
      IC694CBL130 3 meter Cable with IC694TBC032 connector on one end and open wire on other end
      IC694CHS392 Base Expansion 10 Slots
      IC694CHS392CA Conformal Coated 10 slot I/O expansion base.
      IC694CHS398 Base Expansion 5 Slots
      IC694CHS398CA Conformal Coated 5 slot expansion base.
      IC694DNM200 DeviceNet Master Module for RX3i. Module can only be located in the CPUbase. The module is on the high speed serial bus.
      IC694DSM314 MOTION CONTROLLERMODULE 1-2 axis Digital Servo or 1-4 Axis Analog Servo
      IC694DSM324 DSM324 motion controller module for the RX3i
      IC694MDL230 Input module, 120 VAC 8 point, isolated per point.
      IC694MDL230CA Conformal Coated Input module, 120VAC 8 point isolated.
      IC694MDL231 Input module, 240 VAC 8 point, isolated per point.
      IC694MDL240 Input module 120 VAC, 16 points.
      IC694MDL240CA Conformal Coated Input module 120 VAC 16 point
      IC694MDL241 Input module 24 VAC, 16 points.
      IC694MDL241CA Conformal Coated Input 24 VAC 16 points.
      IC694MDL250 120 Vac Isolated Input (16 points). Module requires a terminal block IC694TBBx32 or IC693TBSx32). Only compatible with RX3i controllers. Compatible high speed serial bus on both Universal Base and Standard expansion base. Requires firmware 3.5 and ME
      IC694MDL260 Input module 120 VAC, 32 points. Module requires a terminal block IC694TBBx32 or IC693TBSx32). Only compatible with RX3i controllers. Compatible high speed serial bus on both Universal Base and Standard expansion base. Requires firmware 3.5 and above
      IC694MDL310 Output module, 120 VAC 0.5 amps 12 points.
      IC694MDL330 Output module 120/240 VAC 2amps 8 Points.
      IC694MDL340 Output module 120 VAC 0.5 amps 16 Points.
      IC694MDL340CA Conformal Coated 120/240 Output module, 0.5A,16 points
      IC694MDL350 120/240 Vac Isolated Output, 2 Amp (16 Points). Module requires a terminal block (IC694TBBx32 or IC693TBSx32). Only compatible with RX3i controllers. Compatible high speed serial bus on both Universal Base and Standard. Requires firmware 3.5 and ME 5.5
      IC694MDL390 Output module 120/240VAC 2 amps 5 point isolated.
      IC694MDL390CA Conformal Coated OUTPUT module 120/240 VAC 2A 5 point, isolated per point
      IC694MDL632 Input module 125 VDC 8 point POS/NEG logic.
      IC694MDL632CA Conformal Coated Input module 125 VDC 8 point NEG/POS logic.
      IC694MDL632LT Low Temperature Tested Input module 125 VDC 8 point POS/NEG logic.
      IC694MDL634 Input module 24 VDC 8 point POS/NEG logic.
      IC694MDL634LT Low Temperature Tested Input module 24 VDC 8 point POS/NEG logic.
      IC694MDL635 Input module 125 VDC 16 point POS/NEG logic. Module does not have UL certification on revision A.
      IC694MDL635CA 125VDC, 16 point input module conf coat
      IC694MDL645 Input module 24 VDC 16 point POS/NEG logic.
      IC694MDL645CA Conformal Coated Input module 24VDC 16 point POS/NEG logic
      IC694MDL645LT Low Temperature Tested. Input module 24 VDC 16 point POS/NEG logic.
      IC694MDL646CA Conformal Coated Input module 24 VDC 16 point POS/NEG logic. 1msecond filtering.
      IC694MDL646LT Low Temperature Tested Input module 24 VDC 16 point POS/NEG logic. 1msecond filtering.
      IC694MDL648 48VDC Input, Neg/Pos Logic, 1 msec filter, Neg/Pos Logic (16 points)
      IC694MDL648CA Conformal Coated 48VDC Input, Neg/Pos Logic, 1 msec filter, Neg/Pos Logic (16 points)
      IC694MDL654 Input module 5/12 VDC (TTL) 32 point POS/NEG logic.
      IC694MDL654CA Conformal Coated Input module 32 points 5/12VDC TTL POS/NEG logic. Termi nation is a Fujitsu connector.
      IC694MDL654LT Low Temperature Tested Input module 5/12 VDC (TTL) 32 point POS/NEG logic.
      IC694MDL655 Input module 24 VDC 32 point POS/NEG logic.
      IC694MDL655CA Conformal Coated Input module 24 VDC POS/NEG logic 32 points. 1msec filter. Interface is a Fujitsu connector.
      IC694MDL655LT Low Temperature Tested Input module 24 VDC 32 point POS/NEG logic.
      IC694MDL658 INPUT 48 VDC POS/NEG 32PT FAST. Wiring termination is two Fujitsu connectors.
      IC694MDL660 RX3i 24VDC Input Module 32 point. Module is supported by serial bus andis not limited to the universal base or expansion base. The module requires a terminal block (IC694TBB032 box style or IC694TBS032 spring clamp style terminal block). Terminal bloc
      IC694MDL660CA RX3i 24VDC Input Module 32 point. Module is supported by serial bus andis not limited to the universal base or expansion base. The module requires a terminal block (IC694TBB032 box style or IC694TBS032 spring clamp style terminal block). Terminal bloc
      IC694MDL732 Output module 12/24 VDC 0.5 amps 8 points, positive logic.
      IC694MDL734 Output module 125VDC 1 amp 6 points isolated POS/NEG logic.
      IC694MDL734CA Conformal Coated Output module 125VDC, 1amp, 6 point, isolated per point.
      IC694MDL740 Output module 12/24 VDC 0.5 amps 16 points, positive logic.
      IC694MDL740CA Conformal Coated Output module 12/24 VDC 0.5 amps 16 points, positive logic.
      IC694MDL741 Output module 12/24 VDC 0.5 amps 16 points, negative logic.
      IC694MDL741CA Conformal Coated Output module 12/24 VDC 0.5 amp 16 points NEG logic.
      IC694MDL741LT Low Temperature Tested Output module 12/24 VDC 0.5 amps 16 points, negative logic.
      IC694MDL742 Output module 12/24VDC, 1 amp 16 point positive logic ESCP protection.
      IC694MDL742CA Conformal coated output module 12/24 VDC 1amp 16 point positive logic ESCP protection
      IC694MDL742LT Low Temperature Tested Output module 12/24VDC, 1 amp 16 point positive logic ESCP protection.
      IC694MDL752 Output module 5/24VDC (TTL) 0.5 amp 32 point negative logic.
      IC694MDL752CA Conformal Coated Output module, 5/12-24VDC, 32 point NEG logic.
      IC694MDL752LT Low Temperature Tested Output module 5/24VDC (TTL) 0.5 amp 32 point negative logic.
      IC694MDL753 Output module, 12/24VDC POS logic, 32 points. Interface uses Fujitsu connector.
      IC694MDL753CA Output module, 12/24VDC POS logic, 32 points. Interface uses Fujitsu connector.
      IC694MDL753LT Low Temperature Tested Output module, 12/24VDC POS logic, 32 points. Interface uses Fujitsu connector.
      IC694MDL754 12/24VDC Output (0.75 amps/point)Module 32 point. Requires terminal block IC694TBBx32 box style or IC694TBSx32 spring clamp. Terminal block is sold seperately. Output response Time is 0.5ms.
      IC694MDL754CA Conformal Coated. 12/24VDC Output (0.75 amps/point)Module 32 point. Requires terminal block IC694TBBx32 box style or IC694TBSx32 spring clamp. Terminal block is sold seperately. Output response Time is 0.5ms.
      IC694MDL758 Output module, 12/24VDC POS logic, 32 points, 0.5amp per point. Module requires terminal block IC694TBx032. Terminal block doesn't ship with module.
      IC694MDL758CA Conformal Coated version output module, 12/24VDC POS logic, 32 points, 0.5amp per point. Module requires terminal block IC694TBx032. Terminal block doesn't ship with module.
      IC694MDL758LT Low Temperature version output module, 12/24VDC POS logic, 32 points, 0.5amp per point. Module requires terminal block IC694TBx032. Terminal block doesn't ship with module.
      IC694MDL916 Output module, Isolated Relay, Normally Open, 4 Amp, 16 point. Requires High Density Terminal Block (IC694TBBx32 or IC694TBSx32). Only compatible with RX3i.Compatible high speed serial bus on both Universal Base and Standard expansion base.
      IC694MDL930 Output module, relay 4 amp, 8 point isolated per point.
      IC694MDL930CA Conformal Coated Relay Output module, 4 amp 8 point isolated
      IC694MDL931 Output module, relay 3 amp form B and C; 8 point isolated
      IC694MDL940 Output module, relay 2 amp 16 point, non isolated.
      IC694MDL940CA Conformal Coated Relay Output module 2 amp, non isolated 16 points.
      IC694MDL940LT Low Temperature Tested Output module, relay 2 amp 16 point, non isolated.
      IC694MDR390 Mixed I/O, 24Vdc Input (8 points), Relay Output (8 points)
      IC694PSK001 Kit consists of: (1) IC694PSM001 module, (1) IC694ACC200 terminal assembly and (2) IC694CBL200 interface cables.
      IC694PWR321 Power Supply 120/240 VAC 125 VDC Standard
      IC694PWR321CA Conformal Coated Power Supply 120/240VAC, standard.
      IC694PWR330 Power Supply 120/240 Vac 125 Vdc High Capacity
      IC694PWR330CA Conformal Coated Power Supply 120/240VAC 125VDC, added capacity.
      IC694PWR331 Power Supply 24 Vdc High Capacity.
      IC694PWR331CA Conformal Coated Power Supply 24VDC, added capacity
      IC694RTB032 High Density remote block, 32 point, terminal block. Compatible with IC695ALGxxx, IC694MDL660 and IC693MDL660 modules only. Output modules not supported. Requires a IC694TBC032 and a IC694CBL005, IC694CBL010, IC694CBL030, IC694CBL130 cable.
      IC694TBB032 Box Style High Density Terminal Block - 36 Connections
      IC694TBB132 Box Style High Density Terminal Block with extended depth for large wires - 36 Connections
      IC694TBC032 High Density, 32 point, terminal block with cable connector. Compatible with IC695ALGxxx, IC694MDL660 and IC693MDL660 modules only. Output modules not supported. Requires a IC694CBL005, IC694CBL010, IC694CBL030 IC694CBL130 cable. Compatible with IC69
      IC694TBS032 Spring Clamp Style High Density Terminal Block - 36 Connections
      IC694TBS132 Spring clamp style High Density Terminal Block with extended depth for l arge wires - 36 Connections

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