0010 引 言
此操作手册使用于罪页上列举的开关的型号及结构,操 作人员应该熟悉此操作手册以及开关的结构和作用原理 此操作手册提供了有关投运的详细说明和安装维修的相 关资料。
建议操作人员先熟悉本操作手册及提供的其他资料, 以便了解所操作的开关的特点。
本操作手册包括安装,投运和开关的维修 保养说明以及鳖告。它指出不允许的操作 和开关运行相关的潜在危险。
如您需要进一步的信息或是发生了在本手册 中论述的不够详细的特殊问题时,您可以要 求当地西门子分部给以必要的答复。
05 操作系统的安排
操作手册包括以下内容:0概论,1说明,2安装及 调试,3投运,4.维修。请注意下列情况:
-各章分成几节,每节专门讲述一个主题 内容。
-每一章都进行连续性的编号,这些编号均 各以“]”开始。
每一部分都有自己的系列编号。每节都分为各小 节,各小节有自己的小系列编号。这些系列号都是 按小到大编号。
插图(照片,图表)均标以“Fg.”, 每一节的 插图都以 “Figl”开始。
0010 Introduction
These operating instructions are valid for the type and version of the circuit breaker specitied on the titie page. It should familiarize the operating personnel with the mechanical design and function of the circuit breaker; there are also notes on operation, erection and mainte-
All values of pressure given are gauge values unless absolute pressure is expressly stated.
It is advisable for the operating personnel to familiarize themselves as early as possible with the instructions. and with the aid of other documents supplied to gather any reievant further information on the circuit breaker and its features.
The operating instructions contain infor- mation on proper operation and mainte- nance of the circuit breaker, together with certain supplementary warning notices. They are intended to point out impermissi- ble actions and to show the potential dan- ger associated with operation of the circuit breaker.
Should further information be desired or should
the matter should be referred to the local
SIEMENS sales office.
05 Arrangement of the operating in- structions
The operating instructions are divided as follows (0-) General,(1-) Description,(2-) Installation and Commis- sioning,(3-) Operation,(4-) Maintenance. Please note the following:
-The chaptr are ui i , sec ·
tion dealing with one particular subject.
-Each chapter has a page numbering sequence which always begins with"1".
-Each section has its own series number. The sec- tions are subdivided into subsections with subseries numbers. The series numbers and subseries num- bers are in ascending order.
-lllustration(photographs, drawings) are all desig- nated "Fig.", starting in each section with "Fig. 1"
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-文章名部分通过每个童节系列号,各小节系列号 等进行详细准确地分类。
-Each pan of the text can be sufficiently accurately specified by giving the chapter series number and the subseries number of the subsection,e.g.