林肯HAS C276镍铬钼4合金焊丝TECHFIL NI276气保焊丝ERNiCrMo-4
SUPER ARC-LA-100低合金高强钢气保焊丝E7018-1H4R进口焊条
美国林肯CONARC 80进口低合金焊条E11018M-H4焊条
天津海焊专业林肯电气焊接材料 耐热钢气保焊丝氩弧焊丝 镍基焊条焊丝 不锈钢焊丝焊条 耐磨堆焊焊丝焊条 耐热钢焊条焊丝 高强钢焊条焊丝等特种焊接材料进口焊条进口焊丝
产品性能:ERNiCrMo-4主要用于钨极惰性气体保护焊接和熔化极气体保护焊焊接INCONEL C276合金以及其它镍-铬-钼合金,也可以用于钢的表面堆焊。这种焊接材料在多种侵蚀性介质中都表现出了优异的耐蚀性能,特别是耐点蚀和裂隙腐蚀的能力。
这种焊丝可以用于异种材料焊接,包括INCONEL C276合金与其它镍合金、不锈钢和低合金钢的焊接。
HASTELLOY® C-276 alloy © 2020 Haynes International Principal Features 50 years of proven performance in a wide range of aggressive chemicals HASTELLOY® C-276 alloy (UNS N10276) was the first wrought, nickel-chromiummolybdenum material to alleviate concerns over welding (by virtue of extremely low carbon and silicon contents). As such, it was widely accepted in the chemical process and associated industries, and now has a 50-year-old track record of proven performance in a vast number of corrosive chemicals. Like other nickel alloys, it is ductile, easy to form and weld, and possesses exceptional resistance to stress corrosion cracking in chloride-bearing solutions (a form of degradation to which the austenitic stainless steels are prone). With its high chromium and molybdenum contents, it is able to withstand both oxidizing and non-oxidizing acids, and exhibits outstanding resistance to pitting and crevice attack in the presence of chlorides and other halides. Furthermore, it is very resistant to sulfide stress cracking and stress corrosion cracking in sour, oilfield environments. HASTELLOY® C-276 alloy is available in the form of plates, sheets, strips, billets, bars, wires, pipes, tubes, and covered electrodes. Typical chemical process industry (CPI) applications include reactors, heat exchangers, and columns. Nominal Composition Weight % Nickel: 57 Balance Cobalt: 2.5 max. Chromium: 16 Molybdenum: 16 Iron: 5 Tungsten: 4 Manganese: 1 max. Vanadium: 0.35 max. Silicon: 0.08 max. Carbon: 0.01 max. Copper: 0.5 max.