通用直立型 |
插针柱塞型 φ10 不锈钢柱塞型 |
AC250V 5A DC30V 4A |
1c |
一般负载 |
VCTF 耐油电缆 3m |
IP67 |
通用直立型 |
一般型 |
插针柱塞型 φ10 不锈钢柱塞型 |
AC250V 5A DC30V 4A |
50/60 Hz |
1c |
一般负载 |
额定电压: AC125V / 电阻负载: 5A(NC) 5A(NO) / 灯负载: 1.5A(NC) 0.7A(NO) 额定电压: AC250V / 电阻负载: 5A(NC) 5A(NO) / 灯负载: 1A(NC) 0.5A(NO) |
额定电压: AC125V / 电感负载: 3A(NC) 3A(NO) / 电动机负载: 2.5A(NC) 1.3A(NO) 额定电压: AC250V / 电感负载: 2A(NC) 2A(NO) / 电动机负载: 1.5A(NC) 0.8A(NO) |
额定电压: DC8V / 抵抗負荷: 5A(NC) 5A(NO) / 灯负载: 2A(NC) 2A(NO) 额定电压: DC14V / 抵抗負荷: 5A(NC) 5A(NO) / 灯负载: 2A(NC) 2A(NO) 额定电压: DC30V / 抵抗負荷: 4A(NC) 4A(NO) / 灯负载: 2A(NC) 2A(NO) 额定电压: DC125V / 抵抗負荷: 0.4A(NC) 0.4A(NO) / 灯负载: 0.05A(NC) 0.05A(NO) 额定电压: DC250V / 抵抗負荷: 0.2A(NC) 0.2A(NO) / 灯负载: 0.03A(NC) 0.03A(NO) |
额定电压: DC8V / 感性负载: 5A(NC) 4A(NO) / 电动机负载: 3A(NC) 3A(NO) 额定电压: DC14V / 感性负载: 4A(NC) 4A(NO) / 电动机负载: 3A(NC) 3A(NO) 额定电压: DC30V / 感性负载: 3A(NC) 3A(NO) / 电动机负载: 3A(NC) 3A(NO) 额定电压: DC125V / 感性负载: 0.4A(NC) 0.4A(NO) / 电动机负载: 0.05A(NC) 0.05A(NO) 额定电压: DC250V / 感性负载: 0.2A(NC) 0.2A(NO) / 电动机负载: 0.03A(NC) 0.03A(NO) |
常闭电路(NC): 20A 常开电路((NO): 10A |
防止触电保护等级: Class I (带接地线) 短路保护装置: 10A保险丝 gI 或gG (IEC60269) |
带接地线 |
VCTF 耐油电缆 3m |
使用时: -10~70℃ (无氷結) |
使用时: 35~95%RH (无結露) |
0.1mm/s~0.5m/s |
120次/分以下 |
30次/分以下 |
300mΩ以下 |
100MΩ以上 (用DC500V兆欧表) |
同极端子间: AC1000V 50/60Hz 1min 充电金属部与外壳间: AC1500V 50/60Hz 1min 各端子与非充电金属部间: AC1500V 50/60Hz 1min |
充电金属部与外壳间: 2.5kV 各端子与非充电金属部间: 2.5kV |
1000万次以上 (温度、湿度条件: 5~35℃、40~70%RH) |
20万次以上 (AC125V 5A) (温度、湿度条件: 5~35℃、40~70%RH) |
10~55Hz 双振幅 1.5mm |
最大1000m/s**2 |
最大500m/s**2 |
3 (EN60947-5-1) |
IP67 |
标准值 最大 11.77N |
标准值 最小 4.41N |
标准值 最大 1.8mm |
标准值 最小 3mm |
标准值 最大 0.2mm |
标准值 15.7±1mm |
• Approved by EN, UL, CSA, and CCC (Chinese standard). (Ask your OMRON representative for information on approved models.)
• Sealing characteristics that meet IEC IP67 degree of protection.
• Triple-sealed construction:
Plunger section sealed via nitrile rubber packing seal and diaphragm; switch section sealed via nitrile rubber cap; cable entrance sealed via encapsulating material.
• Cable lengths of 3 and 5 m available on standard models. Models also available with UL and CSA-certified cables.
• Multiple mounting possible with Switches with Plungers.
• Models with red LED indicators added to series for easy confirmation of operation. (Set by default to light for non-operation.)
• VCTF oil-resistant cables with CE marking. (Applicable only to standard models.)
D4C-1201 | D4C-1401 | D4C-1601 | D4C-4201 | D4C-4401 |
D4C-1301 | D4C-1501 | D4C-1701 | D4C-4301 | D4C-4501 |
D4C-1202 | D4C-1402 | D4C-1602 | D4C-4202 | D4C-4402 |
D4C-1302 | D4C-1502 | D4C-1702 | D4C-4302 | D4C-4502 |
D4C-1203 | D4C-1403 | D4C-1603 | D4C-4203 | D4C-4403 |
D4C-1303 | D4C-1503 | D4C-1703 | D4C-4303 | D4C-4503 |
D4C-1220 | D4C-1420 | D4C-1620 | D4C-4220 | D4C-4420 |
D4C-1320 | D4C-1520 | D4C-1720 | D4C-4320 | D4C-4520 |
D4C-1224 | D4C-1424 | D4C-1624 | D4C-4224 | D4C-4424 |
D4C-1324 | D4C-1524 | D4C-1724 | D4C-4324 | D4C-4524 |
D4C-1231 | D4C-1431 | D4C-1631 | D4C-4231 | D4C-4431 |
D4C-1331 | D4C-1531 | D4C-1731 | D4C-4331 | D4C-4531 |
D4C-1232 | D4C-1432 | D4C-1632 | D4C-4232 | D4C-4432 |
D4C-1332 | D4C-1532 | D4C-1732 | D4C-4332 | D4C-4532 |
D4C-1233 | D4C-1433 | D4C-1633 | D4C-4233 | D4C-4433 |
D4C-1333 | D4C-1533 | D4C-1733 | D4C-4333 | D4C-4533 |
D4C-1250 | D4C-1450 | D4C-1650 | D4C-4250 | D4C-4450 |
D4C-1350 | D4C-1550 | D4C-1750 | D4C-4350 | D4C-4550 |
D4C-1260 | D4C-1460 | D4C-1660 | D4C-4260 | D4C-4460 |
D4C-1360 | D4C-1560 | --- | D4C-4360 | D4C-4560 |
D4C-2201 | D4C-2401 | D4C-3201 | D4C-3401 |
D4C-2301 | D4C-2501 | D4C-3301 | D4C-3501 |
D4C-2202 | D4C-2402 | D4C-3202 | D4C-3402 |
D4C-2302 | D4C-2502 | D4C-3302 | D4C-3502 |
D4C-2203 | D4C-2403 | D4C-3203 | D4C-3403 |
D4C-2303 | D4C-2503 | D4C-3303 | D4C-3503 |
D4C-2220 | D4C-2420 | D4C-3220 | D4C-3420 |
D4C-2320 | D4C-2520 | D4C-3320 | D4C-3520 |
D4C-2224 | D4C-2424 | D4C-3224 | D4C-3424 |
D4C-2324 | D4C-2524 | D4C-3324 | D4C-3524 |
D4C-2231 | D4C-2431 | D4C-3231 | D4C-3431 |
D4C-2331 | D4C-2531 | D4C-3331 | D4C-3531 |
D4C-2232 | D4C-2432 | D4C-3232 | D4C-3432 |
D4C-2332 | D4C-2532 | D4C-3332 | D4C-3532 |
D4C-2233 | D4C-2433 | D4C-3233 | D4C-3433 |
D4C-2333 | D4C-2533 | D4C-3333 | D4C-3533 |
D4C-2250 | D4C-2450 | D4C-3250 | D4C-3450 |
D4C-2350 | D4C-2550 | D4C-3350 | D4C-3550 |
D4C-2260 | D4C-2460 | D4C-3260 | D4C-3460 |
D4C-2360 | D4C-2560 | D4C-3360 | D4C-3560 |
D4C-5201 | D4C-6201 |
--- | D4C-6301 |
D4C-5202 | D4C-6202 |
D4C-5302 | D4C-6302 |
D4C-5203 | D4C-6203 |
D4C-5303 | D4C-6303 |
D4C-5220 | D4C-6220 |
D4C-5320 | D4C-6320 |
D4C-5224 | D4C-6224 |
D4C-5324 | D4C-6324 |
--- | D4C-6231 |
--- | D4C-6331 |
D4C-5232 | D4C-6232 |
D4C-5332 | D4C-6332 |
--- | D4C-6233 |
--- | D4C-6333 |
D4C-5250 | D4C-6250 |
D4C-5350 | D4C-6350 |
Note: Ask your nearest OMRON representative for information on Switching with approved international standards.
* Oil-resistant vinyl cabtire cables; approved by EN and IEC.
--- | --- | --- | D4C-3001-DK1EJ[] |
D4C-1002-AK1EJ[] | D4C-2002-AK1EJ[] | D4C-1002-DK1EJ[] | D4C-3002-DK1EJ[] |
--- | --- | --- | D4C-3031-DK1EJ[] |
--- | --- | D4C-1032-DK1EJ[] | D4C-3032-DK1EJ[] |
--- | D4C-2024-AK1EJ[] | D4C-1024-DK1EJ[] | D4C-3024-DK1EJ[] |
D4C-1220-P | D4C-4220-P | D4C-2220-P | D4C-3220-P |
D4C-1320-P | --- | --- | --- |
D4C-1224-P | D4C-4224-P | D4C-2224-P | D4C-3224-P |
D4C-1324-P | D4C-4324-P | D4C-2324-P | D4C-3324-P |
D4C-1227-P | D4C-4227-P | D4C-2227-P | D4C-3227-P |
D4C-1327-P | D4C-4327-P | D4C-2327-P | D4C-3327-P |
D4C-1229-P | D4C-4229-P | --- | D4C-3229-P |
D4C-1329-P | --- | D4C-2329-P | D4C-3329-P |
XS2F-A421-D90-F | XS2F-D421-D80-F |
XS2F-A421-G90-F | XS2F-D421-G80-F |
The WL/WL-N model incorporated by equipment can be replaced with the D4C together with the Mounting Plate without changing the position of the dog or cam.
WLD/WL01D/WLD18-N (Top plunger) |
D4C-[][]01 (Plunger) |
D4C-P001 |
WLD2/WL01D2/WLD28-N (Top roller plunger) |
D4C-[][]02 (Roller plunger) |
D4C-P002 |
WLCA2/WL01CA2/WLCA2-N (Roller lever) |
D4C-[][]20 (Roller lever) |
D4C-P020 |
Note: The WL01[] is for micro loads.
Note: The position of the dog remains unchanged.
Head (with actuator) | ||
Pin plunger | D4C-0001 | --- |
Roller plunger | D4C-0002 | --- |
Crossroller plunger | D4C-0003 | --- |
Roller lever | D4C-0020 | WL-1A100 |
Roller lever (weather-resistant model) | --- | WL-1A100P1 |
Roller lever (high-sensitivity model) | D4C-0024 | WL-1A100 |
Variable roller lever | D4C-0027 | --- |
Variable rod lever | D4C-0029 | HL-1HPA500 |
Sealed pin plunger | D4C-0031 | --- |
Sealed roller plunger | D4C-0032 | --- |
Sealed crossroller plunger | D4C-0033 | --- |
Plastic rod | D4C-0050 | --- |
Center roller lever | D4C-0060 | --- |
Note: 1. The model numbers for heads are of the form D4C-00[][], with the numbers in the squares indicating the type of
2. Actuators for plunger models, plastic rod models, and center roller lever models cannot be ordered individually.
They must be ordered together with the head.