冠军蓄电池GFM150-2   现货/供应
冠军蓄电池GFM150-2 现货/供应
  • 规格:GFM150-2
  • 发货地:北京昌平区
  • 品牌:
  • 最小起订量:1只
  • 免费会员










      冠军蓄电池GFM150-2   现货/供应

      冠军蓄电池/CHAMPION 冠军CHAMPION铅酸免维护蓄电池 冠军CHAMPION阀控式铅酸免维护蓄电池  志成冠军CHAMPION蓄电池 阀控密闭式铅酸蓄电池固定型

      冠军蓄电池/CHAMPION 冠军CHAMPION铅酸免维护蓄电池 冠军CHAMPION阀控式铅酸免维护蓄电池  志成冠军CHAMPION蓄电池 固定型阀控密闭式铅酸蓄电池










      Champion guangdong chi shing group co.,LTD. (hereinafter referred to as chi shing) in following, dongguan city,adjacent to the shenzhen special zone is a collection of science, industry andtrade, investment in one of the private high-tech enterprises, was founded inAugust 1992, the registered capital of 100 million yuan, covers an area of270000 square meters, has assets of more than 650 million yuan.

      Company has four research and developmentinstitutions, three production factory, 32 branches



      Champion guangdong chi shing group co.,LTD. (hereinafter referred to as chi shing) in following, dongguan city,adjacent to the shenzhen special zone is a collection of science, industry andtrade, investment in one of the private high-tech enterprises, was founded inAugust 1992, the registered capital of 100 million yuan, covers an area of270000 square meters, has assets of more than 650 million yuan.

      Company has four research and developmentinstitutions, three production factory, 32 branches


      and offices, with more than 1000 staffmembers, including all kinds of professionals in more than 500. Technology,which is based on many domestic famous universities, is committed to engage inelectronic information, advanced manufacturing, new energy and new and high technologysuch as high efficiency and energy saving in the field of independentinnovation, research and development, production, sales, uninterruptible powersupply (UPS), inverter power supply (INV), emergency power supply (EPS), energystorage power station equipment, high voltage dc power supply, electric vehiclecharging equipment and management system, solar photovoltaic (pv) grid powergeneration system, a new type of valve-control sealed maintenance-freelead-acid batteries, lithium iron phosphate vanadium battery, embeddedmultimedia software, network security monitoring system, etc., products arewidely used in the areas of superstructure and economic base, covering thedomestic market and more than 70 countries and regions, is 50 equipment manufacturingindustry in guangdong province one of backbone enterprises and strategicemerging industries backbone enterprises.

      In recent years, the company ofuninterruptible power supply products are successfully applied to the xichangsatellite launch base, Beijing subway project, the Beijing Olympic press centreand the Olympic bird's nest stadium, and the 21st world university games andthe 10th national games, guangzhou Asian games venues and other major projects.Security products in dongguan city science and technology strong policeengineering and the guangdong provincial public security traffic managementsystem of vehicle-mounted mobile alarm equipment tendering successively won thebid.

      Company through independent innovation,build and perfect the enterprise as the main body, market oriented, thecombination of technology innovation system, and successfully set up the\"enterprise technology center of guangdong province\", \"highpower uninterrupted power supply engineering research and development center ofguangdong province\", \"\" post-doctoral scientific researchworkstation, has filled the gap national 10 products, including 9 products waslisted in national torch program and national key new product. Company hasobtained 116 patents and 35 counts of software copyright, including inventionpatent \"high-capacity uninterrupted power supply\" won the Chinapatent gold medal, and approved by the national standardization managementcommittee as \"China power electronics standardization technical committeeuninterrupted power supply technology committee secretariat for the unit. Partyand state leaders zeng qinghong, li changchun, zhang dejiang and wang Yang hasto visit the company visit and investigation, the party of the company,technology innovation, industrial upgrading, respectively gave high evaluation.

      The company has been identified as\"national high and new technology enterprise\", \"nationaltorch plan key high-tech enterprise\", \"national innovative pilotenterprises\", the first 29 \"innovative enterprise of guangdongprovince\", 50 \"equipment manufacturing industry key enterprises ofguangdong province\", \"hundred private enterprises in guangdongprovince\" and the 4 a grade \"standardization good behavior enterprise\"and so on. In 2000 won the state administration of radio, film and television\"recognition\" of radio and television network equipments and theChinese people's liberation army general staff \"internationalcommunications equipment network access license\", in addition, the productalso won the European Union CE, American UL and FCC, German TuV, Australia theAS/NZS and other international certification, and has nearly hundred patentsand software copyright.

      The company vigorously promote brand strategy. Tocultivate their own brands, the company put


      forward the \"quality first,reputation first\" the quality policy, in the domestic industry's firstthrough the ISO9001 quality management system certification and ISO14001environmental management system certification. Eight consecutive years byadministration for industry and commerce of guangdong province assessment as\"guard the heavy reputation of contract\" enterprises,uninterruptible power supply, EPS emergency power supply, battery product wasnamed \"guangdong famous brand product\", enterprises registeredtrademark after was awarded \"famous trademarks of guangdongprovince\", 2010 by the state administration for industry and commercetrademark office identified as \"China well-known trademark\".

      GFM50-2 2V50AH         GFM100-2 2V100AH

      GFM150-2 2V150AH       GFM200-2 2V200AH

      GFM300-2 2V300AH       GFM400-2 2V400AH

      GFM450-2 2V450AH       GFM500-2 2V500AH

      GFM600-2 2V600AH       GFM700-2 2V700AH

      GFM800-2 2V800AH       GFM1000-2 2V1000AH

      GFM1200-2 2V1200AH     GFM1250-2 2V1250AH

      GFM1500-2 2V1500AH     GFM2000-2 2V2000AH

      GFM3000-2 2V3000AH     DM200-2 2V200AH

      KM500-2  2V500AH        NM500A-2 2V500AH

      NM500B-2 2V500AH       NP1.2-6 6V1.3AH

      NP3.2-6    6V3.3AH        NP4-6 6V4AH

      NP4.5-6    6V4.5AH        NP5-6 6V5AH

      NP7-6 6V7AH            NP7.5-6 6V7.5AH

      NP10-6 6V10AH          NP12-6 6V12AH

      NP1.3-12 12V1.3AH      NP2.2-12 12V2.2AH

      NP3.3-12 12V3.3AH      NP4-12 12V4AH

      NP4.5-12 12V4.5AH      NP5-12 12V5AH

      NP6-12 12V6AH          NP7-12 12V7AH

      NP7.5-12 12V7.5AH      NP8-12 12V8AH

      NP9-12 12V9AH          NP12-12 12V12AH

      NP14-12   12V14AH        NP18-12 12V18AH

      NP20-12   12V20AH        NP24A-12 12V24AH

      NP24B-12 12V24AH       NP120-6 6V120AH

      NP180-6   6V180AH        NP200-6 6V200AH

      NP26-12   12V26AH        NP28-12 12V28AH

      NP33-12   12V32AH        NP38-12 12V38AH

      NP40-12   12V40AH        NP55-12 12V55AH

      NP60-12   12V60AH        NP65-12 12V65AH

      NP70-12   12V70AH        NP80-12 12V80AH

      NP90-12   12V90AH        NP100-12 12V100AH

      NP100A-12 12V100AH     NP100B-12 12V100AH

      NP105-12 12V105AH      NP120-12 12V120AH

      NP134-12 12V134AH      NP150-12 12V150AH

      NP180-12 12V180AH      NP200-12 12V200AH

      NP230-12 12V230AH      NP240-12 12V240AH


      一、CHAMPION电池结构  NP(12V系列) 

      ① 电池端子:为高硬度铅基合金或铜镀银端子,耐腐蚀性能好、导 电性能优良、强度高。  

      ②外壳:采用ABS外壳,分粘接和热封两种,后者尤其适合于振动 大,环境温度变化大。要求电池使  用寿命特别长的场合。

      ③ 密封胶:采用三次密封技术,第一层为铅套焊接密封,试压后用堵微孔密封胶密封,最后采用红   黑胶密封,确保电池使用期间不会出现渗酸缺陷。 

      ④ 安全阀:采用耐酸耐热性能优异的三元乙丙橡胶制成,确保电池使用期间的安全性、可靠性。  ⑤ 极板:其板栅采用耐腐性优良的铅钙锡基多元合金。 

      ⑥ 隔板:采用耐酸耐热性能良好的超细玻璃纤维制成,防止正负极短路,保持电解液,紧压迫极板   表面,防止活性物质脱落。 



      ① 大电流放电性能:NP(12V)系列电池采用薄型极板,正极板厚度在2.4-2.9mm之间,同时采用高   孔率活性物质配方,极板比表面积大,其适合于大电流放电。 

      ② 寿命:因NP系列电池采用薄型极板,正极栅耐腐蚀性能相对较差,电池使用寿命相对2V系列来说   较短,在环境温度为25±5℃时,为10-12年。

      ③ 密封反应效率:NP系列电池极板薄、片数多,比表面积大,便于密封反应。同时该类电池气室较   小,一般密封反应效率≥98%。 




      ※使用寿命长 ※安全防爆 








       1、电池浮充使时,其设计使用寿命是在25℃环境中使用值当环境温度每上升10℃,其寿命缩短         约30%,建议电池环境温度控制在25±5 ℃。  

      2、浮充使用时的充电方式  浮充使用的充电方式一般采用恒压限流方式。可选用的恒压值,一方 面   须满足在该电压下充入的电量足以补偿自放电造成的容量损失; 另一方面使电池过充而造成的损   伤降低至最小。在常温(25℃)时,NP型电池的浮充电压为2.3V/单体。

      3、浮充使用时的充电电压  在25℃时,NP型电池浮充电压为2.3V/单体,GM型电池浮充电压 为    2.23V/单体。  当温度高于或低于25℃时,浮充电压应校正,校正系数-3mv/℃/单体。 循环使    用的   充电电压循环使用的蓄电池,采用恒压限流充电法进行充电,充电电流限在0.1-0.2CA      (C:NP型为C20,GM型为C10),25℃时的充电电压NP型为2.4V/单体,GM型为2.35V/单体,当温度不   在25℃时,充电电压应校正,校正系数为-4mv/℃/单体。为防止过充电应使用定时或自动限流充电设备。


      ★密闭结构(Sealed Construction)★电解液悬浮系统(Electrolyte Suspension System)★气体再组合(GasRecombination)

      ★使用免保养(Maintenance-Free Operation)★任何方向可使用(Operation InAny POSTTTION)★低压力排气系统(Low Pressure Venting System)

      ★高负荷格子体(Heavy Duty Grids)★低自行放电-长保存寿命(Low Self Discharge-Long shelf Life)

      ★宽广的温度使用范围(Broad Operating Temperature Range)★高回复容量(High RecoveryCapabillity)



      ★警报系统(Alarm Systems)★有线电视(Cable Television)★通信设备(Communications Equipment)

      ★控制设备(Control Equipment)★计算机(Computer)★电子收款机(Electronic Cash Registers)

      ★电子测试设备(Electronic Test Equipment)★电动轮椅(ElectronicPowered Wheelchairs)

      ★紧急照明系统(Emergency Lighting Systems)★防火或保全系统(Fire &Security Systems)

      ★地理设备(Geophysical Equipment)★海洋设备(MarineEquipment)★医学设备(Medical Equipment)

      ★办公室微处理机(Micro Processor based Office Machines)★可携式电影和电视灯光(PortableCine & Video Lights)

      ★电动工具(Power Tools)★太阳能系统(Solar Powered Systems)★电信系统(TelecommunicationsSystems)

      ★电视和录像机(Television & Video Recorders)★玩具(Toys)★不断电系统(UninterruptiblePower Supplies)

      ★自动贩卖机(Vending Machines)




      冠军蓄电池/CHAMPION 冠军CHAMPION铅酸免维护蓄电池 冠军CHAMPION阀控式铅酸免维护蓄电池  志成冠军CHAMPION蓄电池 阀控密闭式铅酸蓄电池固定型

      冠军蓄电池/CHAMPION 冠军CHAMPION铅酸免维护蓄电池 冠军CHAMPION阀控式铅酸免维护蓄电池  志成冠军CHAMPION蓄电池 固定型阀控密闭式铅酸蓄电池









      Champion guangdong chi shing group co.,LTD. (hereinafter referred to as chi shing) in following, dongguan city,adjacent to the shenzhen special zone is a collection of science, industry andtrade, investment in one of the private high-tech enterprises, was founded inAugust 1992, the registered capital of 100 million yuan, covers an area of270000 square meters, has assets of more than 650 million yuan.

      Company has four research and developmentinstitutions, three production factory, 32 branches



      Champion guangdong chi shing group co.,LTD. (hereinafter referred to as chi shing) in following, dongguan city,adjacent to the shenzhen special zone is a collection of science, industry andtrade, investment in one of the private high-tech enterprises, was founded inAugust 1992, the registered capital of 100 million yuan, covers an area of270000 square meters, has assets of more than 650 million yuan.

      Company has four research and developmentinstitutions, three production factory, 32 branches


      and offices, with more than 1000 staffmembers, including all kinds of professionals in more than 500. Technology,which is based on many domestic famous universities, is committed to engage inelectronic information, advanced manufacturing, new energy and new and high technologysuch as high efficiency and energy saving in the field of independentinnovation, research and development, production, sales, uninterruptible powersupply (UPS), inverter power supply (INV), emergency power supply (EPS), energystorage power station equipment, high voltage dc power supply, electric vehiclecharging equipment and management system, solar photovoltaic (pv) grid powergeneration system, a new type of valve-control sealed maintenance-freelead-acid batteries, lithium iron phosphate vanadium battery, embeddedmultimedia software, network security monitoring system, etc., products arewidely used in the areas of superstructure and economic base, covering thedomestic market and more than 70 countries and regions, is 50 equipment manufacturingindustry in guangdong province one of backbone enterprises and strategicemerging industries backbone enterprises.

      In recent years, the company ofuninterruptible power supply products are successfully applied to the xichangsatellite launch base, Beijing subway project, the Beijing Olympic press centreand the Olympic bird's nest stadium, and the 21st world university games andthe 10th national games, guangzhou Asian games venues and other major projects.Security products in dongguan city science and technology strong policeengineering and the guangdong provincial public security traffic managementsystem of vehicle-mounted mobile alarm equipment tendering successively won thebid.

      Company through independent innovation,build and perfect the enterprise as the main body, market oriented, thecombination of technology innovation system, and successfully set up the\"enterprise technology center of guangdong province\", \"highpower uninterrupted power supply engineering research and development center ofguangdong province\", \"\" post-doctoral scientific researchworkstation, has filled the gap national 10 products, including 9 products waslisted in national torch program and national key new product. Company hasobtained 116 patents and 35 counts of software copyright, including inventionpatent \"high-capacity uninterrupted power supply\" won the Chinapatent gold medal, and approved by the national standardization managementcommittee as \"China power electronics standardization technical committeeuninterrupted power supply technology committee secretariat for the unit. Partyand state leaders zeng qinghong, li changchun, zhang dejiang and wang Yang hasto visit the company visit and investigation, the party of the company,technology innovation, industrial upgrading, respectively gave high evaluation.

      The company has been identified as\"national high and new technology enterprise\", \"nationaltorch plan key high-tech enterprise\", \"national innovative pilotenterprises\", the first 29 \"innovative enterprise of guangdongprovince\", 50 \"equipment manufacturing industry key enterprises ofguangdong province\", \"hundred private enterprises in guangdongprovince\" and the 4 a grade \"standardization good behavior enterprise\"and so on. In 2000 won the state administration of radio, film and television\"recognition\" of radio and television network equipments and theChinese people's liberation army general staff \"internationalcommunications equipment network access license\", in addition, the productalso won the European Union CE, American UL and FCC, German TuV, Australia theAS/NZS and other international certification, and has nearly hundred patentsand software copyright.

      The company vigorously promote brand strategy. Tocultivate their own brands, the company put


      forward the \"quality first,reputation first\" the quality policy, in the domestic industry's firstthrough the ISO9001 quality management system certification and ISO14001environmental management system certification. Eight consecutive years byadministration for industry and commerce of guangdong province assessment as\"guard the heavy reputation of contract\" enterprises,uninterruptible power supply, EPS emergency power supply, battery product wasnamed \"guangdong famous brand product\", enterprises registeredtrademark after was awarded \"famous trademarks of guangdongprovince\", 2010 by the state administration for industry and commercetrademark office identified as \"China well-known trademark\".

      GFM50-2 2V50AH         GFM100-2 2V100AH

      GFM150-2 2V150AH       GFM200-2 2V200AH

      GFM300-2 2V300AH       GFM400-2 2V400AH

      GFM450-2 2V450AH       GFM500-2 2V500AH

      GFM600-2 2V600AH       GFM700-2 2V700AH

      GFM800-2 2V800AH       GFM1000-2 2V1000AH

      GFM1200-2 2V1200AH     GFM1250-2 2V1250AH

      GFM1500-2 2V1500AH     GFM2000-2 2V2000AH

      GFM3000-2 2V3000AH     DM200-2 2V200AH

      KM500-2  2V500AH        NM500A-2 2V500AH

      NM500B-2 2V500AH       NP1.2-6 6V1.3AH

      NP3.2-6    6V3.3AH        NP4-6 6V4AH

      NP4.5-6    6V4.5AH        NP5-6 6V5AH

      NP7-6 6V7AH            NP7.5-6 6V7.5AH

      NP10-6 6V10AH          NP12-6 6V12AH

      NP1.3-12 12V1.3AH      NP2.2-12 12V2.2AH

      NP3.3-12 12V3.3AH      NP4-12 12V4AH

      NP4.5-12 12V4.5AH      NP5-12 12V5AH

      NP6-12 12V6AH          NP7-12 12V7AH

      NP7.5-12 12V7.5AH      NP8-12 12V8AH

      NP9-12 12V9AH          NP12-12 12V12AH

      NP14-12   12V14AH        NP18-12 12V18AH

      NP20-12   12V20AH        NP24A-12 12V24AH

      NP24B-12 12V24AH       NP120-6 6V120AH

      NP180-6   6V180AH        NP200-6 6V200AH

      NP26-12   12V26AH        NP28-12 12V28AH

      NP33-12   12V32AH        NP38-12 12V38AH

      NP40-12   12V40AH        NP55-12 12V55AH

      NP60-12   12V60AH        NP65-12 12V65AH

      NP70-12   12V70AH        NP80-12 12V80AH

      NP90-12   12V90AH        NP100-12 12V100AH

      NP100A-12 12V100AH     NP100B-12 12V100AH

      NP105-12 12V105AH      NP120-12 12V120AH

      NP134-12 12V134AH      NP150-12 12V150AH

      NP180-12 12V180AH      NP200-12 12V200AH

      NP230-12 12V230AH      NP240-12 12V240AH


      一、CHAMPION电池结构  NP12V系列) 

       电池端子:为高硬度铅基合金或铜镀银端子,耐腐蚀性能好、导 电性能优良、强度高。  

      ②外壳:采用ABS外壳,分粘接和热封两种,后者尤其适合于振动 大,环境温度变化大。要求电池使  用寿命特别长的场合。

       密封胶:采用三次密封技术,第一层为铅套焊接密封,试压后用堵微孔密封胶密封,最后采用红   黑胶密封,确保电池使用期间不会出现渗酸缺陷。 

       安全阀:采用耐酸耐热性能优异的三元乙丙橡胶制成,确保电池使用期间的安全性、可靠性。   极板:其板栅采用耐腐性优良的铅钙锡基多元合金。 

       隔板:采用耐酸耐热性能良好的超细玻璃纤维制成,防止正负极短路,保持电解液,紧压迫极板   表面,防止活性物质脱落。 



       大电流放电性能:NP12V)系列电池采用薄型极板,正极板厚度在2.4-2.9mm之间,同时采用高   孔率活性物质配方,极板比表面积大,其适合于大电流放电。 

       寿命:因NP系列电池采用薄型极板,正极栅耐腐蚀性能相对较差,电池使用寿命相对2V系列来说   较短,在环境温度为25±5℃时,为10-12年。

       密封反应效率:NP系列电池极板薄、片数多,比表面积大,便于密封反应。同时该类电池气室较   小,一般密封反应效率≥98% 

          销售部 销售经理
       电话  010-57213036
       手机 13260272006
      各品牌蓄电池均有销售 型号齐全 库存充足 质保三年 量大从优

  • 0571-87774297