  • 规格:17KG/170KG
  • 发货地:广东深圳市
  • 品牌:
  • 最小起订量:1桶
  • 诚信商家











      Zinc- and Ash-Free HM Hydraulic Oils and CKC Lubricating Oils

      Zinc- and Ash-Free HM Hydraulic Oils and CKC Lubricating Oils

      Zinc-free hydraulic oils have steadily gained popularity over the last few years.
      In many cases, the use of a zinc-free hydraulic oil is a must, especially in machine tools where hydraulic fluids can contaminate metalworking fluids. RENOLIN ZAF B hydraulic oils are zinc- and ash-free HM hydraulic oils complying with ISO 6743-4.

      The most important features of RENOLIN ZAF B hydraulic oils are:

      • Good oxidation stability and good resistance to ageing
      • Powerful EP properties and very good wear protection
      • Excellent corrosion protection
      • Rapid air release and low foaming
      • Good demulsification characteristics
      • Good compatibility with sealing materials

      RENOLIN ZAF B products are high-grade HM hydraulic oils according to ISO 6743-4 which can be used in all hydraulic systems but also as CKC lubricating oils according to ISO 6743-6 in gearboxes, bearings and circulating systems. RENOLIN ZAF B products are recommended for use in machine tools where contact between hydraulic oils and metalworking fluids can take place.

      RENOLIN AW 32 46 68
      Hydraulic oil type
      acc. to ISO 6743-4 HM 32 HM 46 HM 68
      acc. to DIN 51 502 HLP 32 HLP 46 HLP 68
      Lubricating oil type
      acc. to ISO 6743-6 CKC 32 CKC 46 CKC 68
      acc. to DIN 51 502 CLP 32 CLP 46 CLP 68
      Characteristics Unit Test method
      Colour 1 1 1 ASTM D 1500
      Kinematic viscosity
      at 40 °C mm2/s 31.5 45 65.4 ASTM D 445
      at 100 °C mm2/s 5.3 6.7 8.4 ASTM D 445
      Viscosity index 98 101 98 ASTM D 2270
      Density at 15 °C kg/l 0.878 0.878 0.885 ASTM D 1298
      Flash point, Cleveland open cup °C 215 230 230 ASTM D 92
      Pour point °C -30 -27 -21 ASTM D 97
      Neutralization number mg KOH/g 0.3 0.3 0.3 ASTM D 974
      Saponification number mg KOH/g 1.3 1.3 1.3 ASTM D 94
      Water content % mass not traceable not traceable not traceable ASTM D 95
      Insolubles % mass not traceable not traceable not traceable DIN 51 592
      Demulsification min 10 10 15 DIN 51 599
      Air release at 50 °C min 3 8 7 ASTM D 3427
      seq. I ml 30/0 50/0 50/0 ASTM D 892 seq. I-III
      seq. II ml 20/0 20/0 20/0 ASTM D 892 seq. I-III
      seq. III ml 20/0 20/0 20/0 ASTM D 892 seq. I-III
      Copper corrosion degree of corr. 1a-100A3 1a-100A3 1a-100A3 ASTM D 130
      Rust prevention pass A pass A pass A ASTM D 665
      Ageing behaviour, increase in neutralization number after 1000 h mg KOH/g < 2 < 2 < 2 ASTM D 943
      Brugger boundary friction test N/mm2 38 DIN 51 347 (D)
      FZG mechanical gear rig test load stage > 12 > 12 > 12 DIN 51 354-2
      Vickers vane pump test, loss of mass
      on ring mg 120 120 120 IP 281
      on vanes after 250 h mg 30 30 30 IP 281
      Effect on SRE-NBR 1 seal material acc. to DIN 53 538-1 at 100 °C +/– 1 °C after 7 days +/– 2 hours,

  • 0571-87774297